"Storage Limit Exceeded" Notification

"Storage Limit Exceeded" Notification


Voicemail allows you the freedom to receive a message if you are unavailable to take a live call. 

  1. Your Voicemail New Folder will allow you to keep up to 25MB of Voicemail storage at any given time. 

  2. If you do near or exceed your storage limit, you should receive an automatic notification from our system to alert you. 

Note:  For Extensions who use Portal Faxing, faxes received in Portal also contribute toward the storage limit for your Extension.  

What Do I Do If I Receive an Alert?

If you should receive an Alert, it means that your Email Address is attached to a User Profile that has neared/exceeded the storage limit.   

  1. Click on the Messages button.

    1. If you have a Manager permission level and are currently in your Manager View, click your Profile Name in the top right, then choose Messages

  2. Either way that it is accessed, you will automatically be on the first tab of Messages, which is Voicemail.  Within the Voicemail Tab, you can access the NewSaved, and Trash folders by using the dropdown menu.
    1. You will automatically be on the "New" Folder view.   All new Voicemails will be available to access here. 

  3. Highlight the Voicemail, and all options will appear on the right.  From the New folder, each new Voicemail is available to:
    1. Play
    2. Forward to another extension
    3. Download
    4. Save (move to the Saved folder)
    5. Delete

  4. Delete unneeded Voicemails by highighting the Voicemail and pressing the red Delete icon.   If there is a Voicemail that you should need, you may Download it to your own computer, or place it in the Saved Folder.


What If the Voicemails Showing Do Not Exceed the Limit?

  1. If you received an alert, but have just a few (or no) Voicemails for your own Extension, it is possible that your Email Address is on another User that has reached/exceeded the storage limit.  This is common in Domains that have a Shared Voicemail User and multiple Extensions receive Voicemail Notifications for the User

  2. If you know which User and have an Advanced User or Office Manager Permission Level, you are technically able to access other Users and their storage limit.   We highly recommend that if you need to clear another User's storage limit, that instead you contact us and allow us to first check the Voicemail list for you. 

  3. Contacting us first will allow you to download or save that User's Voicemails before deleting the unnecessary or acknowledged Voicemails

  4. Once a Voicemail has been completely cleared, it cannot be recovered

What If I Do Have Inbound Portal Faxing on My Extension?

  1. For Extensions who use Portal Faxing, faxes received in Portal also contribute toward the storage limit for your Extension.  If you received an alert and have Portal Faxing, you will want to check your Faxes after you check your Voicemails.  

  1. Click the Fax Tab. 
    1. If you have a Manager permission level and are currently in your Manager View, click your Profile Name in the top right, then choose My Account.  This will switch you to your Extension View.  You may then click the Fax Tab.

  2. You will be in your Inbox view by default. 
    1. Any Faxes still in your Inbox will be listed.  

  3.  Highlighting the Fax will give additional options, such as the options to Preview, Download, or Delete the Fax.

  4. Download any Faxes to your computer that you would like to keep.  Delete any unnecessary Faxes by clicking the red Delete icon. 

  5. If you prefer to only send Faxes from Portal, simply click Settings.

    1. Under Inbound Fax Handling, uncheck Portal and leave the Email w/Attachment checkmarked.  This will allow you to continue to send Faxes in Portal, but only receive Faxes to your Email. 

Need More Specific Information?

Try our Portal Guides!  Each Permission Level has a Guide specifically created for them with an interactive Table of Contents so that you may skip quickly to the relevant section. 

Admin/Manager Guides

Some Manager permission roles include the ability to assist other User/Extensions with their Voicemail Settings and Notifications
  1. "Office Manager" Admin Guide
  2. "Advanced User" Admin Guide
  3. "Call Center Supervisor" Admin Guide
  4. "Site Manager" Admin Guide

Only have access to your own Extension?  

Your Extension has access to Voicemail, Profile Settings, Extension Routing, and more!  
  1. "Call Center Agent" Portal User Guide
  2. "Basic" User Portal User Guide

Want to Know More About Voicemail?

Want to Know More About Portal Faxing?

Click here to learn more:  Portal Faxing.

Want to learn more about Storage Limits?

Give our Customer Service Team a call at 1-800-676-3995!   We are available Monday-Friday 8am-9pm EST. 

Prefer to open a Request?  Click here to open a Ticket Request!

We’re here to help you find better, easier ways to run your business.

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