Portal Faxing

Portal Faxing

Portal Faxing

Portal Faxing is an option that can be added for your domain.  
  1. When Portal Faxing is enabled, you will still be able to fax from your traditional methods, but will also have the ability to send and/or receive Faxes through Portal

  2. There is no additional charge to adding the Portal Fax option to your existing Fax service with Clarity.

What Do I Need to Enable Portal Faxing?

To Send and/or Receive faxes in Portal, you just need the following:
  1. Your Domain must have Fax Service and have enabled Portal Faxing.  Customer Support will configure Portal Faxing for you. 

  2. Your Extension must be assigned a Fax Number

Note:  You must be in your Extension View to Send/Receive/View Faxes in Portal

Inbound Faxes

If you have Inbound Fax Handling set to receive Faxes in Portal, a copy of the Fax will be received and stored in the Fax Inbox in Portal. 
  1. It is always best practice that if Faxes are received in Portal, that they also continue to be sent by traditional methods.  This is set up as a fail-safe in the unlikely event that you should reach your allotted Fax storage.

  1. Click the Fax Tab. 
    1. If you have a Manager permission level and are currently in your Manager View click your Profile Name in the top right, then choose My Account.  You can then choose the Fax Tab.

  2. You will be in your Inbox view by default. 
    1. Any Faxes still in your Inbox will be listed.   

  3.   Highlighting the Fax will give additional options, such as the options to Preview, Download, or Delete the Fax.

Outbound Faxes

If you have Outbound Portal Faxing enabled, you will be able to send a Fax from Portal.
  1. Faxes sent from Portal will appear in the Sent folder.  Faxes sent from other methods will not appear in the Sent folder. 

  1. Click the Fax Tab.
    1. If you have a Manager permission level and are currently in your Manager View click your Profile Name in the top right, then choose My Account.  You can then choose the Fax Tab.

  2.  You will be in your Inbox view by default. 
    1. Click Send Fax.  

  3. A pop-up window of Fax options will open. 
    1. Browse for your attachment. 
    2. Make your Send Fax Option selections. 
    3. Choose Send

  4. A copy of the fax will appear in the Sent folder.   
    1. You may highlight the Fax to download or delete the fax from the Sent folder.


Q: My sent faxes are not appearing in Portal.

      A: If the fax was sent via email (10digitfax@clarityfax.com) then it will not be stored in Portal.  Only Faxes sent from Portal directly will appear in the Sent folder in Portal

Q: My voicemail storage is full, but I don’t have any stored voicemails.

      A: Fax storage is combined with voicemail storage.   If the voicemail storage is full but there are no voicemail messages in the User’s account, delete some stored faxes to free up space.       For more information, go here: Voicemail: "Storage Limit Exceeded" Notification.

Need More Information About Features or Options?

Try our Portal Guides!  Each Permission Level has a Guide specifically created for them with an interactive Table of Contents so that you may skip quickly to the relevant section. 

Admin/Manager Guides

Manager Guides include information about both the Extension and Manager View.
  1. "Office Manager" Admin Guide
  2. "Advanced User" Admin Guide
  3. "Call Center Supervisor" Admin Guide
  4. "Site Manager" Admin Guide

Only have access to your own Extension?  

Your Extension has access to your VoicemailProfile SettingsExtension Routing, and more!  
  1. "Call Center Agent" Portal User Guide
  2. "Basic" User Portal User Guide

Want to Know More About eFax Options?

Click here for more information:  How to Send and Receive an eFax.

Want to learn more about Faxing?

Give our Customer Service Team a call at 1-800-676-3995!   We are available Monday-Friday 8am-9pm EST. 

Prefer to open a Request?  Click here to open a Ticket Request!

We’re here to help you find better, easier ways to run your business.

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