Extensions vs. "Users"
An Extension (also called a "Seat") is a paid User.
- Extensions have access to their own Call Routing and Phone Devices. Extensions are assigned to a single Employee.
- In addition to Extensions, we also have other types of Users, such as Shared Users and Routing Users. Routing Users hold the Routing Answering Rules for a Phone Number. For example, every Auto Attendant and Call Queue has a matching Routing User.
- Shared Users are used to share a specific feature. For example, if more than one Extension needs access to a single Voicemail Inbox, rather than assign the Voicemail to a specific Exension, we may instead create a Shared Voicemail User and give the Extensions access to it.
- Shared Users and Routing Users have no charge and will not be present on your monthly Invoice. They will be present in the Users Tab in Portal so that you may adjust Routing as needed. Only Users assigned to your Site will load in your Manager View.
"Listen In" Feature
Listen in is the ability to "live listen" to an active Call.
- When using Listen in you have the option to silently listen or "whisper" to the User who is on the call.
- Listen in can be used to train new employees, assist Users through difficult conversations, and to monitor conversations.
- Just click the Listen in speaker icon.

- An Outbound call will be made to your preferred phone device (set in the Answering Rules of your Extension).
- It will be designated as "Bridge for Audio Monitoring".

- A pop-up window will appear with your two options. You will choose either Join Call or Whisper.

- If you choose Join Call, you will join the call with your Audio muted so that you may listen to the call.
- If you should need to speak at any point, you may un-mute so that both parties can hear you.
- If you choose Whisper, you will join the call with the ability to speak to the User.
- Only the User will hear you, your Audio is muted for the customer.
Home Screen (in Manager View)
Home Screen is a great way to get details fast about the current
Status of the
Users (Extensions) and Domain. It contains several
Widgets of displayed information that may be interacted with.

- You may "Listen In" to live Phone Calls from the Home Tab.
- You may also view overall Statistics for the current Day and Month.
Options in the Home Tab Manager View
Current Active Calls
- Any call that is actively live in your Domain will be shown here. You may see the Caller, number Dialed, and even the User's phone device that was used to make/take the call.

- You may also Listen in to a Live Call from the Current Active Calls Widget. Just click the Listen in speaker icon.

Call Graph
The Call Graph will display a line graph of the Active Calls.
- You may use the dropdowns to adjust the View by time or type of Call.

- Hovering over any line will display additional information about this time period.

- You may print your results by clicking the Print printer icon. You may use the Zoom feature to "zoom in" by Hour, Day, or Week.

Users and Applications
Users and Applications Widget wil display the overall totals of Types of
Users and
Phone Devices for the Domain.

- Keep in mind that "Users" are the total Users, which includes both Extensions and Routing/Shared Users.
- Registered Devices refers to Phone Devices that have gone "online", even if they are not currently online at the moment.
- Hovering over the "i" info icon will display the definition of the Statistic.

- You may click the Refresh cycle icon at any time to refresh the displayed information.
Usage Statistics
These Statistics here are specifically geared to show usage for the Current Day, Current Month, and Previous Month.
- Hovering over the "i" info icon will display the definition of the Statistic.

You may click the
Refresh cycle icon at any time to refresh the displayed information.

Managing Your Domain's Users
As an Site Manager, you have permissions to edit other Users/Extensions who are assigned to your Site.
- You will have access to the Profile, Answering Rules, Voicemail, and Advanced Options (such as resetting the User's Password for them).
- You have access to update: the User's Name, Department, Site, Time Zones, whether they are announced in the Directory, their Extension Caller ID, and their Voicemail PIN.
- You must be in your Manager View to access Users.
- If you need assistance Toggling from the Extension View back to your Manager View, scroll up to "Extension View vs. Manager View".
- Click the Users Tab.

- Search for the User that you will need to update. Click on their Name.
- In our Example, we will be updating "Bob Rogers", extension 202.
- Once the User is chosen, you will be on the User's Profile tab by default.
- In our Example, we will be updating "Bob's" Voicemail PIN.
- Make your changes, then Save.

Note: You are able to edit your own User in this way, but will have more options available to you if you switch to your Extension View, then access your Profile.
How do I Update Another User's Voicemail Options?
You can update another User's Voicemail Settings, including their Notifications and Greetings.
- This is especially useful if you are onboarding a new Employee and want to set up their Voicemail Greeting for them.
- You will have access to the same Settings that you do when managing your own Extension.
- Click the Users Tab.

- Search for the User that you will need to update. Click on their Name.
- In our Example, we will be updating "Bob Rogers", extension 202.

- Once the User is chosen, click Voicemail.

- In our Example, we are updating "Bob" to receive Notifications.
- Make your changes, then click Save.

How Do I "Remove" a User?
If you need to remove a Routing User, please contact us. We will review your Routing and remove unnecessary Users.
If you need to remove an Employee who is no longer with your company, you can "reset" the User.
- Resetting a User will remove their access, reset their Name, and clear Voicemails. The User will then be available to be used by another employee.
- You can Reset a User even if you do not have a replacement for the User at this time.
- Click the Users Tab.

- Search for the User that you will need to update. Click on their Name.
- In our Example, we will be updating "Bob Rogers", extension 202, who is retiring.

- Click the Voicemail tab. Before Resetting a User, it is best practice to ensure that they have no Voicemails to be attended to. Voicemails cannot be recovered after deletion.

- Look at the "Number of Messages" field. In our Example, "Bob" has already cleared his own Voicemails.
- If there are any Voicemail Messages showing, contact us. We will be able to access the Voicemails. We can forward these to another Extension and/or download them for you.

- If you are ready to proceed, click the Advanced Tab.

- Click Reset User.

- A pop-up window of options will appear. Make your selections. Make sure to checkmark Recycle User (even if no new Employee is ready to replace the Employee). Click Reset.
- In our Example, "Bob" does not have a replacement yet.

- A new window will open. You will be asked if you are sure. If you would like to proceed, choose Reset again.

- Rename the User. Add an Email Address.
- If you do not have a new Email Address, type in a placeholder Email Address for now. This ensures that the old Email Address clears completely.
- Only send a Welcome Email if you have a new Employee who is ready to accept the Email. Welcome Emails will expire in 3-5 minutes for security reasons.
- If you do not have a replacement Employee, name the Extension "Open" or "Available". This will make it easier to locate the User later when you are ready to bring the new Employee on board.
- Save.

- You will now see the new User in your Users list. The term "password required" notes that the User does not have a Password set up at this time.

How Do I "Onboard" a New Employee?
If you are Onboarding a New Employee, and their
Email Address is already set in their
User, then you can simply have the new Employee go to
https://portal.clarityvoice.com/ and click
"Forgot Password". - Alternatively, you may send a Welcome Email for them manually by going to the Users Tab, choose the new User, then click Advanced. Choose "Send Welcome Email".

If you are Onboarding a New Employee, and their Email Address is not already in their User, then just contact us and let us know that you need to update a User. We will locate the User and update their Name and Email Address.
- If they are ready to receive the Welcome Email, then we will send it at that time.
- If they are not ready, have them go to https://portal.clarityvoice.com/ when they are ready.
- Have them click "Forgot Password". A reset password link will be sent to them so they can set up their Password.
If you are Onboarding a New Employee and they are not replacing an existing User, contact us! We will assist you in adding a new Seat for the Employee. (1-800-676-3995 for Support, or you may contact your Account Executive directly.)
Managing the Domain's Call Routing
As an Site Manager, you will have the option to adjust the Call Routing of your Site.
- Extension Call Routing is the Call Routing of your own individual Extension. "Domain" Call Routing is the Call Routing of any of the Phone Numbers that are assigned to your Site.
Clarity Voice is committed to customizing your Domain's Call Routing to support your Business.
- The instructions listed here are meant to empower you to make changes to your Call Routing only if you should need or want to.
- Do not hesitate to reach out for major changes, guidance, or just a refresher training.
How Does Call Routing Work?
As an Site Manager, you have access to all of the individual pieces of Call Routing.
- Initial Call Routing is set up by Clarity Voice. You may make changes to this Call Routing at any time by logging into Portal.
- Call Routing consists of two pieces.
- One: the Phone Number itself and the Routing User or Extension that it initially points to.
- Two : where the call should go next (Answering Rules) and when that should occur (Time Frames).
- If you have additional features in your Call Routing, such as Call Queues and/or Auto Attendants, you will also be able to control which Users are called and when. You may also choose to present your customers with specific options to ensure they reach the right Department or Extension.
- Only Users, Call Queues, and Auto Attendants that are assigned to your Site will be visible to you.
How Do I Know How My Phone Numbers Are Routed?
- Go to the Inventory Tab.

- This is where you will see a list of all of your Phone Numbers and which User they initially point to.
- You may use the Filters button to narrow your Search. You may use the Export button to download the list once you have the view you would like.

- Locate the "Destination" of the Phone Number.
- For our example, we are looking at User 3000.
- Go to the Users Tab.

- Search for the User that your Phone Number pointed to. Click on it.

- If you do not see the User, make sure that System Users are not hidden. This option is in the bottom right. Uncheck Hide System Users.

- Choose Answering Rules.

- You will now see a complete list of the Answering Rules for this Phone Number. In our Example, we can see that this Phone Number is currently in the After Hours Time Frame and the Answering Rule is routing to User 575 (After Hours Auto Attendant) currently. We know this because the Answering Rule that is currently in use will always have a blue Active icon beside it.

- Just as it does with your Extension, Answering Rules work on a top-down priority, meaning that if there are two Answering Rules set to activate at the same time, the Answering Rule that is highest in the list will take priority.
- Just as it does with your Extension, the Default Rule will always activate if no other Answering Rules are set to go into effect.
- If you are unsure what Times are set in the Time Frames, go to the Time Frames Tab and choose the Domain name.

- Choose the Time Frame to see the times that the Answering Rule will go into effect.

How Can I Change the Domain Call Routing?
Changing your Call Routing is easy! You just need to go the User that the Phone Number is pointed at.
- If you don't know which User, check the Inventory Tab and look for the Destination of the Phone Number.

- Go to the Users Tab.

- Search for the User that your Phone Number pointed to. Click on it. For our example, we are looking at User 3000.

- If you do not see the User, make sure that System Users are not hidden. This option is in the bottom right. Uncheck Hide System Users.

- Choose Answering Rules.

- Highlight the Answering Rule you would like to change. You will see an Edit pencil icon appear on the far right. Click it.

- In our Example, we will be changing the After Hours Answering Rule to route to an external Answering Service phone number.
- We have two options when routing to an External phone number: to forward directly to it with no changes (use Always) or to require the External phone number to "press one" to accept the call (in Simultaneous Ring).
- For our Example, we do not need the Answering Service to accept the call so we will leave it as Always.
- Save when all changes are completed.

- The last thing we will do when making changes is to check to make sure our changes saved, and that the Answering Rule is high enough in the list to take effect.

- If the change is immediate, it is always best practice to call into Phone Number from an outside number and make sure the Call Routing now does what you would like.
Need a Refresher on the Call Routing Options? Scroll up to Answering Rule Options or use the Table of Contents to navigate there.
Adding Times to Your Domain's Routing
Just as it does for your Extension's Routing, Time Frames allow you to control "when" a Call Routing will occur.
- Keep in mind that an Answering Rule must be set for the Routing User to control "where" a call will go during the time that is saved in the Time Frame.
- Once a Time Frame has been added, it may be reused at any time for your Extension or Domain.
- Time Frames can be shared within your Domain. For example, if a "Holiday" Time Frame already exists and the saved date/time match what you would also like to use, you may use this Time Frame for your own Extension as well.
Adding a Domain Time Frame
Adding a Time to an Existing Domain Time Frame
How to Add a New Domain Answering Rule
- Go to the Users Tab.

- Search for the User that your Phone Number points to. Click on it.

- If you do not see the User, make sure that System Users are not hidden. This option is in the bottom right. Uncheck Hide System Users.

- Choose Answering Rules.

- All existing Answering Rules will show as a List, including the “Default” Rule.

- The Default Rule will activate whenever there are no other Time Frames higher in the Answering Rules list to take effect. For example, if you have set Business Hours and no other Answering Rules, the Default Rule will activate when the User is outside of the set Business Hours.
- To add a new Answering Rule, choose Add Rule.
- A pop-up window will open. Use the dropdown to select a Time Frame for when the Routing should occur. Any Answering Rules already set will show as “in use”

- Select the Time Frame you would like to use.
- There are two options for the Call Routing.
- You may use Always to send the call directly to a single Device, Call Queue, Auto Attendant, Voicemail, or Phone Number with no additional adjustments.

- You may use Simultaneous Ring to send the call to more than one Extension and/or to send the Call to a Phone Number with or without Answer Confirmation added (also called “press one confirmation”).

- Make your selections, and then Save.

Need a Refresher on the Call Routing Options? Scroll up to Answering Rule Options or use the Table of Contents to navigate.
Need a Refresher on how to edit an Answering Rule? Scroll up to How to Change an Existing Answering Rule or use the Table of Contents to navigate.
Auto Attendants
Auto Attendants give your Domain the ability to share information and/or give your caller choices before routing the call to you.
- We will set up all of your Auto Attendants for you initially. After the Auto Attendant(s) are created, you will have the ability to adjust the Greetings and Options of the Auto Attendant.
- There are two types of Greetings that can be set up for your Domain. These can be combined if needed.
- Intro Greetings- These are Greetings that are tied to a Time Frame and only play during that Time.
- Menu Prompt- This Greeting is the Main Greeting for the Auto Attendant. It will play any time that your Auto Attendant is set to be used in the Call Routing.
- If your caller knows the option that they would like, they can interrupt the Greeting to reach their destination sooner. If you have a specific Greeting that you need to play in its entirety (such as "Calls may be recorded"), let us know! We will set up this type of Greeting for you.
- If you should need to change the Routing options of your Auto Attendant, please contact us. We will assist you in updating your options to the requested configuration and test your Auto Attendant with you to ensure that it is updated and routing calls properly.
Changing an Auto Attendant Intro Greeting
These types of Greetings are primarily used in Restaurants and similar businesses to play a daily special at a particular time.
- We will set up these Intro Greetings initially and will do all updates for you.
- Note: It is recommended that if an Intro Greeting need to be deleted/removed, that you allow Clarity to remove the Greeting. Incorrect removal of an Intro Greeting can cause the Auto Attendant to not play a Greeting at all or fail to route the call.
- If you should need to make an emergency change to your Greeting, follow the below instructions.
- Click the Auto Attendants Tab.

- Choose your Auto Attendant from the list by clicking it.
- Click the Manage speaker icon next to Intro Greetings.

- Click the Edit pencil icon beside the Greeting that you would like to update.

- You will have the options to change your greeting using the following methods:
- Text-to-Speech: Type out your message. Choose your Voice and click the Play icon to listen to it. Adjust the message if needed. Save.

- Upload: Upload a previously recorded Greeting by clicking Browse. Choose the file. Type in a Description. Click Upload.

- Record: You may have our system call you so that you can live-record a Greeting. Type in a Description. Type in your Extension or phone number, and then click Call.

Call Queues
Call Queues allow us to add additional options to your Call Routing. Domains with simple Routing may need use Call Queues.
- Once an Extension has been added to a Call Queue, their status is controlled by their login/logout of the Call Queues. You will be able to monitor their live calls, manually toggle their status, and even remove them from the Call Queue.
- Extensions/Users may have additional options added to their Routing, such as wrap-up time and max calls. When in a Call Queue, Extensions/Users are called Agents.
- Wrap-up Time is sometimes also known as "after-call work". It is the time after the call ended and before the next call is allowed to dispatch to the Extension.
- If an Extension has no wrap-up time, then a call can be dispatched immediately after the first call ends. Wrap-up time is generally used in locations where the Extension needs additional time to post notes, set up appointments, or to make an additional Outbound call.
- Max Calls is used to control how many calls may be dispatched and wait for an Agent. It is generally used in smaller locations where you would like each Agent to see the waiting call, place the first call on hold, and answer the second call.
- Due to the multiple options of Call Queues, it is highly recommended that Clarity set up your Call Queues to work for you.
- Let us know if you would like to add options such as:
- Adding a non-skippable Message as the caller enters the Call Queue.
- Adding a Message to the Extension before connecting the Call (generally used to alert them to the originating location or website).
Adding, Editing, or Deleting an Agent/Extension to a Call Queue
- Click Call Queues Tab.

- You will see a list of all Call Queues. You may edit the Agents by either clicking on the number of Agents (in blue) or clicking the Edit Agents person icon.

- You will see a list of the Agents and their current status. Green is logged in and in a status available to take calls, Red is busy, and Gray is unavailable (not able to take calls).
- You will also be able to see their current Settings, including Wrap-up Time and Max Calls.

- You may Edit or Delete an Agent from the Call Queue entirely. Hover over the Agent and both options will appear.
- To add an Agent, click Add Agent.

- You may add an Agent by their Device or User. Click inside the field and choose the correct User/Device from the available list.
- For an internal Agent, you will generally leave the Status as Online. If this User will only be receiving calls as needed, you may switch them to Offline and toggle them Online as needed.
- Leave Request Confirmation unchecked. Only External numbers will need to receive a "press one confirmation" message prior to being connected. Choose Save Agent.
- You may add an External Agent by typing in their 11-digit phone number. This is generally a manager or work-from-home Agent who is using their cell phone number, rather than a Device or User to take calls.
- As you type the phone number, you will see the system auto-filling the phone number below the field. Click the auto-filled number. The phone number will be added.

- Choose the Status. Just like an Extension/Agent, if the External Agent will always need to be available to take a call when the Call Queue is scheduled to be in the Routing, then set them to Online. If they will be joining the Call Queue as needed, then set them to Offline, then you can toggle them to Online when they are needed.
- Checkmark Request Confirmation. This setting will ensure that the external Agent receives a "press one to confirm that you would like to take this call" message before the call connects. This not only notifies the external Agent that the incoming call is a business call, but also prevents the call from being taken by their personal cell phone's voicemail.
- Choose Save Agent.

- Click Done once all Editing/Adding is complete.
Accessing the Domain's Call History and Recordings
- Choose the Call History Tab.

- A list of the calls made and taken for the specified date range will be displayed in the Call History list.

- To change the dates, type of call, or Extension, click Filters.

- Make your selections and then choose Filter.

- Highlight any call and additional options will appear to the right of the selected Call. You may:

- Download the Call Recording (if Call Recording is enabled for your domain).
- Listen to the Call Recording (if Call Recording is enabled for your domain).
- View the Cradle to Grave for the call. Cradle to Grave allows you to see the entire path of the Call and Release reason.

- Add Notes about the Call. Notes give you the option to identify the call easily. Use the dropdowns to choose the appropriate Disposition and Reason. Type in your Notes. Save when complete.

How Do I Read the Destination Locations?
The Destination of the call is where the call connected or disconnected.
| |
| Call was answered by the extension.
Extensions on the Clarity system are typically in the 200 range. Some extensions may be in the 1000 – 2000 range. |
| Caller disconnected the call while their call was ringing in a Call Queue.
Call Queues on the Clarity system are typically in the 300 range.
| Caller disconnected the call while listening to a voicemail greeting.
| Caller disconnected the call while listening to the Auto Attendant greeting.
| Call was answered by voicemail. The extension receiving the voicemail is also displayed. |
| If Speech-to-Text is enabled in the Auto Attendant, this will display, if the caller disconnects during the Auto Attendant greeting.
| Caller disconnected the call before an Agent/Employee in the Call Queue answered the call.
This Guide serves as a Quick step-by-step of the options for both your Manager and Extension Views.
For Technical Assistance, Training, or questions about any of our available options, please do not hesitate to call us at 1-800-696-3995 with any questions.
We are available live Monday through Friday 8am-9pm EST.
We are available for Afterhours Emergency calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
We do have Email and Chat options available.
Chat with us on our website or here in our Knowledgebase.