"Office Manager" Admin Guide

"Office Manager" Admin Guide

What is the Office Manager Permission Level?

"Office Manager" Permission Level means that your Permission Level has access both to your own Extension and also the ability to view and edit your Domain's Call Routing and Users.
  1. Office Manager Permission Level has access to Users (Extensions and Routing Users), Auto Attendants, Call Queues, and more. 
  2. Office Manager Permission Level also includes access to both live and Emailed Reports in the Call Center tab and also the high-level Analytics tab, which provides Totals and Summary Analytics for the entire domain.
    1. SMARTanalytics is also available for your Permission Level.
This Guide is a general walkthrough of the options available to the Office Manager Permission Level

For a more detailed walkthrough or additional training, please contact us! 
We provide training, free of charge.  Training is available for both groups and individuals, and can be scheduled at a time that it is convenient for you. 
You may give us a call at 1-800-676-3995 (Monday-Friday 8am-9pm EST) or, you may submit a Ticket Request here:  Training Request.
This Article is set up as an "all-in-one" Guide with an Interactive Table of Contents.  Clicking on the Table of Contents on the right will allow you to "skip" to the section you would like to read.

This Guide is not meant to be a comprehensive step-by-step of every Option available in our Portal.  This Guide will highlight important Options available to you and of the types of actions you may want to review (such as Call Routing). 

.As with any Article in our Knowledgebase, you may download live Articles as PDFs to read later at your own convenience. 
  1. Simply click the "download as PDF" icon to the right of the Article title.

Login Options

Logging in to the Portal (first-time login) 

If you have not yet received your Portal credentials, follow these instructions to receive them.   

  1. If you have already received your Portal credentials, scroll down to:  Logging into Portal with Your Extension Credentials.

  1. Navigate to:  https://portal.clarityvoice.com 

  2. At the bottom of the login page, you will see an option that reads: “Are you a new user?”. 

    1. Select this option.

  3. A “Welcome window” will appear.

    1. Enter the Email Address that was added to your User Profile by your Installer or Provisioner. 
    2. If you know your Extension, you may also enter it as well. 
      1. Choose Send once you have filled out your login information. 

    3. You will receive a Welcome Email with instructions.  The subject will be “Your new phone system account".
      1. Open the Welcome Email.  Your Login Username and Extension will be in the body of the email.
      2. Click Complete Setup.

    4. You will be taken to a “New User Credentials window”.

      1. Enter New Password.  Your password should be a minimum of 8 characters and include at least one capital letter and at least one number.
      2. Re-enter the Password to Confirm Password. 
      3. Select a four-digit Voicemail PIN.
      4. Once you have made your selections, choose Save.

    5. You have now set up your credentials for Portal.  You may choose to login with these credentials or you may choose to link your credentials to a Single Sign-On Method for easy login.  
      1. If you would like use this option, scroll down to "Single Sign-On".

    Logging into Portal with Your Extension Credentials

    If you do not yet have your Login Name or Password, scroll up to:  First Time Login.

    1. If you do have your Extension’s Login Name and your Email Address has already been saved in your Profile (by yourself or your Provisioner/Installer), you may choose Forgot Password. 
    1. If you have your Login Name and Password, you may proceed with the instructions below.


    1. Enter your Login Name.
      1. This is the Username that was sent to you in the Welcome Email.
        1. Your Username is linked to your Extension and domain name.  For example, if you are Extension 200 and part of the “claritytest” domain, then your Username is: 200@claritytest.

    2. Enter your Password.
      1. This is the Password that you created during your “first-time login” setup.

    3. Choose Log In.

    Single Sign-On Login Option

    1. You may choose either the Google or Office 365 Single Sign-On as your preferred Login method.
      1. Simply select your preferred method at the Login Screen.

    2. The on-screen Single Sign-On instructions will walk you through linking your Clarity credentials to your Google or Office 365 credentials.

    3. Once linked, you may use either the traditional login method or the Single Sign-On method to login to Portal.

    Self-Help Center

    The Self-Help link is available in the top-right of your Portal.    
    1. From the Self-Help Center, you may search our Knowledgebase of helpful Articles.
    2. You may also create a Support Ticket or Chat with us if you need additional assistance.

    1. From Portal, click Self-Help Center.

    2. A new Tab/Window will open and redirect to our Self-Help Center

    3. From the Help Center, you may search our Knowledgebase of helpful Articles.
      1. You may also create a Support Ticket or Chat with us if you need additional assistance.

    Note: The Help Center can also be accessed from our main website:  www.clarityvoice.com. 

    Extension View vs. Manager View

    As an Office Manager, you can access both your Extension and Domain Settings using a single set of Portal Credentials.

    Once logged into Portal, you will have the option to toggle between the Extension View and the Manager View
    1. When in the Extension View, you will be able to access your Extension's Settings, Preferences, and Call Routing.
    2. When in the Manager View, you will be able to access your Domain's Settings, Users, and Call Routing.

    To Toggle from Your Extension View to the Manager View

    1. Click Manage Organization.

    2. Your View will reload and switch to the Manager View. 

    To Toggle from Your Manager View to the Extension View

    1. Click your Profile Name (extension name). 
      1. Choose My Account.

    2. Your View will reload and switch to your Extension's View.

    Extension Options

    The Articles in this section will be specific to your Extension View.
    1. If you are looking to manage your Domain, scroll down to the "Manager" Options section.

    Profile Options

    If you need assistance in Toggling from your Manager View to your Extension View so that you may access your Profile, scroll up to Extension View vs. Manager View for instructions. 

    Your Profile contains additional information about your Extension that you may have access to view and/or update.
    1. Your Profile contains your preferred Email Address for both password resets and Voicemail Notifications (if enabled).   

    2. Your Profile also contains your Voicemail PIN, which allows you to access your Voicemail

    Updating Your Profile Preferences

    1. To change or view your Profile Settings, choose your Extension Name in the top right-hand corner of your Portal.  
      1. A drop-down of options will appear.  Choose Profile.

    2. Your Profile menu will appear.   You will have access to change your general Profile preferences.

      1. Profile Name (extension name):  Your Profile Name is also the name of your Extension.  Changing your Profile Name will not change or alter your actual Username for login purposes.
      2. Language:  This is the language that the Portal options will appear in for you.
      3. Time Zone:  Time Zone is your preferred Time Zone for viewing your Call History, Messages, etc. 
      4. Directory Options:  For most Users, both options will be checked.  
        1. If you prefer that your Extension not be available in the Audio Directory for callers or in the List of Contacts (Directory) for the other Users in your domain, you may adjust these options.

    3. Scroll down.  You may change your Caller ID for your Extension to any of the Phone Numbers in your Inventory.
      1. We do have the ability to create Shortcuts to make dialing out as the correct location quick and easy.   
      2. Contact us if you need to update your Emergency Caller ID, which is the default Phone Number and location that is given if you should need to dial 9-1-1.

    4. Scroll down.  You will also have options to Change Account Security and Change Voicemail PIN.
      1. Password:  Your password can easily be updated here.
      2. Voicemail PIN:  Your Voicemail PIN can easily be updated here.

    5. Once you have made your selections, choose Save.

    Home Screen (in your Extension View)

    The Home Screen is an easy way to see information about your Extension quickly.   
    1. It is also the default Tab that will open when you are in the Extension View 

    Options in the Extension Home Tab

    New Voicemail Messages

    1. Any Voicemail Message still in the “New” status will show here.

    2. You may also:

      1. Return the Missed Call (simply click on the phone number to use click-to-call)
      2. Play the Voicemail
      3. Forward the Voicemail
      4. Download the Voicemail
      5. Change the Voicemail to "Saved"
      6. Delete the Voicemail

    3. Your Voicemails may also be managed from the “Messages” Tab.

    Recent Call History

    1. Any recent call for your extension will be displayed in a list here.

    2. You may return Missed Calls by clicking on the phone number (uses click-to-call).

    Current Status Message

    1. You may add a Status Message for your Extension.

    2. Your Status Message will appear both in the Contacts List and the general Chat that is available to all Extensions in your domain.

    Current Active Answering Rule

    1. Your Extension’s current routing Answering Rule will show here.  If you would like to manually override this Rule, use the dropdown and select an alternate Answering Rule.

    2. Answering Rules may also be managed from the "Answering Rules" Tab.

    Call Center (for your Extension)

    The Call Center Tab is available to you so that you may login and out of your Call Queues, set your Queue Status, and even look at your recent Call History.

    1. You have access to the Call Center Tab in both your Extension and Manager Views.  The information in this section is specific to your Extension only, while the Call Center Tab that is available in your Manager view will be specific to the Call Queues and Users that you manage. 

    2. Any Call Queue that you are a part of will be available to you in your Extension's View. 

    3. You will be able to view the type of Call Queue, your Wrap-up Time (if any), and Callers Waiting.  

    Call Center Tab Options

    My Queues

    1. "My Queues" will display all Call Queues that you have been added to.   

    2. Your current status will show as either a Red (busy/unavailable) or Green (available).   This is the same color scheme that other Extensions in the domain will be able to see when they view your Extension.

    3. You may logout of a single Call Queue at any time by clicking the Logout door icon. 

    4. If a Caller is waiting in the Queue, you may hover over the Caller number icon and Show Callers

    5. A pop-up window with all Callers will appear.  You may choose to Prioritize (move the Caller up the list) or Transfer the Caller to an extension (including your own) so that the Call may be taken. 

    6. If you choose Transfer, you will be able to either "Pick up" the Call yourself or Transfer the call to another Extension.

    My Graphs

    1. "My Graphs" will show your Extension's statistics. 

    2. Hovering over any bar will give additional details.

    Queue Status Dropdown

    1. On the right-hand side of the Call Center screen is your Queue Status Dropdown

    2. If you click the drop-down, all available Statuses will appear, including any Custom Status that has been added to your Domain to use.  Click "Go Online" to go online in all of your Available Queues.

    3. Under the Queue Status are all of the Login Methods that you have used.  This will include all Phone Devices that have been activated for your Extension.   Select the radial to change the Device that you will use to receive your Queue calls.   Click the Add plus icon to add a new method. 

    4. If your Call Queue has been set up with "Users" as well as Devices, you will be able to choose your User as a Login Method

    5. When your User is chosen, whatever devices that your Extension (User) has set up in the Active Answering Rule will ring.  This could be a single device, or more than one device.

    6. The current Active Answering Rule will be displayed for you.  If you click this Answering Rule, you will be taken to the Answering Rule Tab for your Extension so that you may view/edit this Answering Rule

    My Statistics

    1. My Statistics will display the Statistics for the day for your Extension.

    2. You may refresh these at any time by clicking the Refresh icon in the top right of the Widget.

    Recent Call History

    1. A short list of your Extension's most recent calls will display in Call History

    2. You may add notes to any of these Calls by clicking the Add Notes notepad icon to the right of the call.

    3. Use the dropdowns to choose the appropriate Disposition and Reason.  Type in your Notes Save when complete. 

    How to Login and Out of Your Call Queues

    If you are a Manager who also takes calls, then you will be added to Call Queues.  You will be able to login/out of these Call Queues when you are in your Extension View

    Instead of simply forwarding a Call, Call Queues allow your Domain to choose:
    1. What order the Calls should be sent to you in.

    2. Whether wrap-up time (sometimes called aftercall work) should be set.

    3. Whether an auditory message (called a "whisper") will play before the Call is connected to you.  Whisper tells you know how to answer and/or which location the Caller is trying to contact.

    Login/Out of All Queues 

    You will be set in the Call Queue as either your individual Phone Device (such as Web Phone or physical Phone) or as a User.  
    1. If you are set as a User, this means that the Call Queue will send the call to whatever is set in your Extension's Answering Rule instead of a specific Device.

    1. Click the Call Center Tab.

    2. On the right-hand side of the Call Center View Screen will be a large button showing your current Queue Status.
      1. If you click the drop-down, all available Statuses will appear, including any Custom Status that has been added to your Domain to use.

    3. Click  "Go Online" .  This will put you online in all of your Available Queues

    4. Under the Queue Status are all of the Login Methods that you have used.  This will include all Phone Devices that have been activated for your Extension.   
      1. Select the radial to change the Device that you will use to receive your Queue calls.

    5. If your Call Queue has been set up with "Users" as well as Devices, you will be able to choose your User as a Login Method.
      1. When your User is chosen, whatever devices that your Extension (User) has set up in the Active Answering Rule will ring.  This could be a single device, or more than one device.
      2. The current Active Answering Rule will also be displayed for you.  If you click this Answering Rule, you will be taken to the Answering Rule Tab for your Extension so that you may view/edit the Answering Rule.

    Login/Out of a Specific Queue

    1. Click the Call Center Tab.

    2.  "My Queues" will display all Call Queues that you have been added to. 

    3. Click the login/logout door icon to change your Queue Status.


    Voicemail Messages left for your Extension will be available in your Messages Tab.
    1. You may both edit and view your own Extension's Voicemail Settings at any time. 

    2. You may also adjust or customize your Voicemail Notifications.

    3. If you are in your Manager View, you may use the dropdown next to your Profile Name to choose Messages.   Your View will automatically swap to Extension View and open in the Messages tab. 

    Accessing Voicemail Messages

    1. Click on the Messages Tab.

      1. You will automatically be on the first tab, which is Voicemail.

    2. Within the Voicemail tab, you can access the NewSaved, and Trash folders by using the dropdown menu.

      1. Note: The Trash folder will contain deleted voicemails for a short time.

    3. Highlight the Voicemail, and all options will appear on the right.  From the New folder, each new Voicemail is available to:
      1. Play
      2. Forward to another extension
      3. Download
      4. Save (move to the Saved folder)
      5. Delete

    Adjusting Your Voicemail Inbox Settings

    1. Click on the Messages Tab.

    2. Select the Settings tab.

    3. From the Voicemail Settings, you can adjust your preferences for your Inbox. Your options include:

      1. Sort and Announcement Options:  These options allow you to adjust the sort order and additional announcements, such as time received and Caller ID. 
      2. Operator Forward:  When an extension is entered here, the caller can press “0” during the Voicemail Greeting.  The call will then be forwarded to that extension. 
      3. Copy to Extension(s):  Iyou would like your Voicemails to be copied to additional extensions, you may enter them here.
      4. Voicemail Transcription:  If set to “Enabled”, each Voicemail will be transcribed as well as recorded.
      5. Options (additional Email notifications):  You may choose to receive an Email Notification when the mailbox is full and/or receive an email after each missed call.  
        1. If you choose to receive an email after each missed call, this means that you will receive notification of the missed call, regardless of whether the caller left a voicemail.

    4. After all selections are made, make sure to select Save.

    Adjusting the Voicemail Greeting and Recorded Name

    1. Click on the Messages Tab.

    2. Select the Settings tab.

    3. From the Voicemail Settings, you can adjust your preferences for the Voicemail Greeting and Recorded Name.
      1. It is always our recommended best practices to personalize both of these options. 

    4. You can Play or Download the current recording for either the Voicemail Greeting or Recorded Name.   
      1. You can also choose Manage to update the recording(s).

    5. If you choose to Manage the recording(s), a new window of options will open. You will have three options for updating the current recording.

      1. Text-to-Speech:  This allows you to type out your preferred Greeting or Name.  You can then choose the Language and the preferred Voice.  Use the Play button to preview your Greeting and Voice.
      2. Upload:  This allows you to Browse and then Upload a saved recording.  This option is handy if you have a saved generic Greeting that is used in more than one location 
      3. Record:  This allows you to have our system Call you either at your extension or your phone number so you can live record your Greeting.

    6. After all selections are made, make sure to select Save.

    Adjusting the Voicemail Notifications

    If you should choose to receive Voicemail Notifications, the Notifications will be sent to the email address on file for your Extension’s Profile

    1. Click on the Messages Tab.

    2. Select the Settings tab.

    3. Scroll down to Notifications.
      1. Check Receive an email for new voicemail”.

    4. Once this is selected, your Notification Options will become visible.   Use the dropdown for Email Type to choose what type of Notification email you would like to receive.   Note:  If you would like your Notifications texted to you, we can set this up for you based on your cell phone's carrier.
      1. Your choices are:

      2. Send with hyperlink:  This will send the Notification with a simple link to the voicemail file.
      3. Send with brief hyperlink:  This will send the Notification with a detailed link to the voicemail file. 
      4. Send with attachment:  This will send the Notification with an attached copy of the voicemail.   This is the option that we generally recommend.
      5. Send with brief attachment:  This will send the Notification with a download page for the voicemail.

    5. Use the dropdown for After Email Notification to choose what you would like to do with the Voicemail after the Notification has been sent.
      1. If your domain has Persistent Voicemail enabled, you will need to choose “Leave as new”.  

    6. After all selections are made, make sure to select Save.


    The Chat feature gives you the ability to chat with any extension in your domain.   You may share attachments and pictures during your chat.   

    You can even switch from Chat directly to a Phone Call (using your desired phone device) or Video Call (using our Clarity Video Anywhere option).

    1. If you also have Texting (SMS) enabled for your User, your tab will read "Chat and SMS" instead of "Chat".

    2. Chat is not the same as Texting.  Chat is internal, extension-to-extension communication.  It is automatically enabled, and no special configuration is needed.

    3. Texting is external communication with phone numbers.  It requires a registered texting number which is then assigned to the appropriate Extension to use.

    4. If you are in your Manager View, you may use the dropdown next to your Profile Name to choose Messages.   Your View will automatically swap to Extension View and open in the Messages tab. 

    How to Use Chat

    1. Click on the Messages tab.

    2. Choose the Chat tab.

    3. Any previous conversations will be available on the page.  (Both Chat and any previous text threads will display here if Texting is enabled for your Extension.)
      1. You can continue your Chat by highlighting the conversation and then clicking the Reply icon.  
      2. You can delete a Chat by highlighting the conversation and then choosing the red Delete icon.  

    4. If you would like to start a new chat, choose New Conversation.
      1. pop-up Chat window will open. Enter the Name or Extension number of the person you would like to chat with.

        1. Select the desired Extension.
      2. Choose Start.

      3. Type your message. 
        1. If you are sharing a file, click the Attachment paperclip icon to browse and attach your file.

      4. When you are ready to send your message, just hit enter.

    5. If you would like to switch the Chat to an actual Call or Video Call, make your selection at the top of the Chat window.
      1. You may stop notifications or delete the Conversation by clicking the three dot Menu and choosing Turn off notifications or Delete conversation.

    Texting (SMS/MMS)

    If your extension has been assigned a registered texting number, you can text right from Portal.   
    1. You may both text (SMS) and attach pictures (MMS).  
    1. You can also call the contact right from the texting window. 

    2. If you are in your Manager View, you may use the dropdown next to your Profile Name to choose Messages.   Your View will automatically swap to Extension View and open in the Messages tab. 

    How to Text

    1. Click on the Messages Tab.

    2. Choose the Chat and SMS tab.

    3. Any previous Chat and SMS (texting) conversations will be available on the page.

      1. You can continue your Text by highlighting the conversation and then clicking the Reply icon.  
      2. You can delete a Text thread by highlighting the conversation and then choosing the red Delete icon.  

    4. If you would like to start a new Text, choose New Conversation.

    5.   A pop-up Texting window will open. Enter the Phone Number of the person you would like to text with. 

      1. Select the Phone Number.
        1. Choose Start

      2. Type your message or attach your file by clicking the Attachment paper clip. 

        1. When you are ready to send, just enter.

    6. If you would like to switch from the current text thread to an actual Call with the recipient, choose the Call phone icon at the top of the Texting window.
      1. If you choose the three dot Menu at the top of the Texting window, you may either turn off the notifications for the current conversation or delete the conversation.

    How to Fax from Portal

    To Send and/or Receive faxes in Portal, you must have the following configuration:
    1. Your Domain must have the Fax Add-On.  To add Fax Service to your Account, contact our Sales Department.  (1-800-786-6160)

    2. Your Domain must have enabled Portal Faxing.  To enable Portal Faxing, contact Customer Support.  (1-800-676-3995)

    3. Your Extension must be assigned a Fax Number

    Portal Faxing is an option that can be added for your domain.  When Portal Faxing is enabled, you will still be able to fax from your traditional methods, but will also have the ability to send and/or receive Faxes through Portal. 
    1. If your domain does not have Portal Faxing or is only Faxing using the traditional methods, you will have the Fax Tab, but will not have the “Send Fax” option.   You will also have the message "You have no messages" on your screen. 

    2. You must be in your Extension View to Send/Receive/View Faxes in Portal. 

    3. If you need assistance in Toggling from your Manager View to your Extension View so that you may access your Faxes, scroll up to Extension View vs. Manager View.

    Inbound Faxes

    If you have Inbound Fax Handling set to receive Faxes in Portal, a copy of the Fax will be received and stored in the Fax Inbox in Portal. 
    1. It is always best practice that if Faxes are received in Portal, that they also continue to be sent by traditional methods.  This is set up as a fail-safe in the event that you should reach your allotted Fax storage.

    1. Click the Fax Tab. 

    2. You will be in your Inbox view by default. 
      1. Any Faxes still in your Inbox will be listed.   

    3.   Highlighting the Fax will give additional options, such as the options to Preview, Download, or Delete the Fax.

    Outbound Faxes

    If you have Outbound Portal Faxing enabled, you will be able to send a Fax from Portal.
      1. A copy of the Sent Fax will appear in the Sent folder. 

      2. Faxes sent from Portal will not have an additional Sent copy stored in your Email or ATA.   Faxes sent via traditional methods, such as Email or ATA, will not show in the Sent folder in Portal

    1. Click the Fax Tab.

    2.  You will be in your Inbox view by default. 
      1. Click Send Fax.  

    3. A pop-up window of Fax options will open. 
      1. Browse for your attachment. 
      2. Make your Send Fax Option selections. 
      3. Choose Send

    4. A copy of the fax will appear in the Sent folder.   
      1. You may highlight the Fax to download or delete the fax from the Sent folder.

    Fax Settings

    You are able to adjust your Inbound and Outbound Fax Settings right from Portal.

    1. Click the Fax Tab.

    2. You will be in your Inbox view by default.
      1. Click Settings.

    3. Your enabled methods will be visible to you. If you need to adjust the enabled methods, contact Clarity, and we will adjust your methods for you.
      In addition to your enabled methods, you will have access to view or edit: 
      1. Inbound Fax Handling:  You can choose to have your Inbound Faxes received by email either with or without attachment and/or to have them delivered to Portal.
        1. In our example, the Extension has chosen to make Outbound Faxes from Portal, but is keeping Inbound Faxes sent only to their Email.
      2. Delivery Notifications:  This controls the Sent “delivery” Notification methods.
      3. Failure Notifications:  This controls the Sent “failure” Notification methods.
        1. Once you have chosen your Setting preferences, choose Save.


    Unless an Extension has chosen not to be listed in the Directory, all Extensions for the domain are automatically added and visible in the Contacts List.

    1. The Contacts List is accessible from any of your Extension’s phone devices, including the Mobile App 

    1. The Contacts List is also accessible from the bottom right of Portal as a docked window.  The docked window does appear in both the Extension and Manager Views

    Adding Additional Contacts

    1. Choose Contacts.

    2. Choose Add Contact.

      1. Enter the Contact's Information. 
      2. When the Contact Information is complete, choose Save.

    3. Your new Contact will now show as an available Contact in your Contact List.

    4. If you prefer to upload a list of Contacts, select Import instead.

      1. Allowed formats include Outlook, Google, and Apple vCard.
        1. Browse for your Contact list
        2. Choose Import to upload the contacts to your Contact List.

    Editing or Removing a Contact

    You may edit Contacts that are in your Contact List.  You may remove/delete a Contact that you have saved manually into your Contact List
    1. If your Domain also uses Shared Contacts (contacts that are shared to every Extension), you will be able to both view and delete Shared Contacts.  

    1. Choose Contacts.

    2. Highlight the Contact that you would like to change.   
      1. If the Contact is a "Shared Contact",  the Edit pencil icon will be grayed out, and the Contact will have the "shared contact" message. 

    3. Click the Edit pencil icon to update the Contact.   You may change any of the Contact information for the Extension. 

      1. Make your update and Save

    4. You may click the red Delete icon if you would like to remove the Contact.   Reminder: you may only delete Contacts that were added manually by you.  

    Exporting the Contact List

    You may also Export your complete list of Contacts for use in other programs, such as Outlook. 

    1. Choose Contacts.

    2. Choose Export

    3. Use the dropdowns to choose the Contacts to export and Export format.  Choose Export when your selections are complete.


    Extension Call Routing

    Call Routing for your extension may be adjusted as needed. 
    1. You can adjust when a Routing will take place (using Time Frames) and where the Routing will forward during this time (using Answering Rules).    

    2. Because you have the ability to affect Routing in both your Extension and Manager Views, you will want to ensure that you are in the proper View before making Call Routing changes. 

    3. If you need assistance in Toggling from your Manager View to your Extension View so that you may access your Extension Call Routing scroll up to Extension View vs. Manager View.

    Time Frames (scheduling when your Routing will take place)

    In order to add an Answering Rule for your Extension’s routing, you will first need to add the Time Frame for the Answering Rule to use.    
    1. Once a Time Frame has been added, it may be reused at any time for your Extension. 

    2. Time Frames can be shared within your Domain.  For example, if a "Holiday" Time Frame already exists and the saved date/time match what you would also like to use, you may use this Time Frame for your own Extension as well.   

    Adding a New Extension Time Frame

    1. Choose the Time Frames Tab.

    2. All available Time Frames for both the domain and your Extension will be listed here.   

      1. You will only be able to edit Time Frames for your own Extension when in Extension View..  Hover over any of your own Time Frames and choose the Edit pencil icon if you would like to make a change to your Time Frame. 

      2. Hover over the Info “i” icon to see the set times for any of these Time Frames.  

    3. Choose Add Time Frame to add a Time Frame for your Extension.  

    4. A pop-up window will appear.   Name your Time Frame.  Names cannot be changed later, so make sure to choose a name that makes sense and can be reused if needed.   
      1. For example, instead of creating a Time Frame for “Thanksgiving”, consider naming the Time Frame “Holiday” so that you can re-use the same Time Frame at a later date. 

    5.  If you would like to add a recurring time, checkmark the day(s) of the week and add the times by using the slider.  
      1. You may add up to two times in a single recurring day of the week. Just click the Add range plus icon to add the second slider.

    6. If you would like the date/time to be a single date or range of dates, enter the date(s) in the Specific dates or ranges section by clicking the "Calendar" icon.    
      1. You can use the sliders in the pop-up or you may type in the date/time manually. 
        1. Use the Add a date range plus icon if you need to add more than one set of dates. 

    7. When you have all times entered, choose Save

    8. You will now see your Time Frame in the list. 

      1. Once your Time Frame has been created, you may then add an Answering Rule to direct where the Routing will go during this time. 

    Adding a Time to an Existing Extension Time Frame

    1. Choose the Time Frames Tab.
      1. The list of Time Frames will open. Hover over any of the Time Frames and choose the Edit pencil icon if you would like to make a change to the Time Frame.   When in your own Extension View, you will only be able to edit your own Time Frames.

    2. The Time Frame will open.

    3. If you would like to add a recurring time, checkmark the day(s) of the week and add the times by using the slider.  
      1. You may add up to two times in a single recurring day of the week. Just click the Add range plus icon to add the second slider.

    4. If you would like the date/time to be a single date or range of dates, enter the date(s) in the Specific dates or ranges section by clicking the "Calendar" icon.    
      1. You can use the sliders in the pop-up or you may type in the date/time manually. 
        1. Use the Add a date range plus icon if you need to add more than one set of dates. 

    5. When you have all times entered, choose Save

    Answering Rules (where the Routing will forward)

    1. Time Frames are “when” an Answering Rule takes effect.   Answering Rules control “where” the Routing for your Extension’s calls will go during that Time Frame.

    2. The Answering Rule that is currently in effect for your Extension will always have a blue Active icon beside it. 

    3. Answering Rules work on a “top-down” priority.  This means that if two Answering Rules are set to activate at the same time, the Answering Rule that is higher up in the list will be the Active Answering Rule

    4. Priority is set this way by design.  For example, if a Holiday occurs on a Monday, and your normal Business Hours also occur on a Monday, Portal needs to know which Routing should take priority.

    5. The Answering Rules tab is also where “ring time” for your Extension can be adjusted.   

    6. Ring Time is the amount of time that your Extension will ring before the call is considered “unanswered” and follows the “When Unanswered” routing that you have set for the Answering Rule.

    How to Add a New Answering Rule

    1. Choose the Answering Rules Tab.

    2. All existing Answering Rules will show as a List, including your “Default” Rule. 

      1. The Default Rule will activate whenever there are no other Time Frames higher in the Answering Rules list to take effect.  For example, if you have set Business Hours and no other Answering Rules, the Default Rule will activate when you are outside of your set Business Hours.

    3. To add a new Answering Rule, choose Add Rule

    4. A pop-up window will open.  Use the dropdown to select a Time Frame for when the Routing should occur.  Any Answering Rules already set for your Extension will show as “in use”. 

      1. Select the Time Frame you would like to use.   For our example, we will be setting an Answering Rule to match the "Weekend Hours" Time Frame that we set. 

    5. You have two options for your Call Routing.   
      1. You may use Always to send the call directly to a single Device, Voicemail, or Phone Number with no additional adjustments.

      2. You may use Simultaneous Ring to send the call to more than one Extension and/or to send the Call to a Phone Number with or without  added (also called “press one confirmation”). 

    6. See the Routing Options below, make your selections, and then Save.

    Answering Rule Options

    All Options


    By default, this option should always be checked unless a specific type of Answering Rule called a “Toggle” Time Frame is being used.   

    Toggle Time Frames Rule would be set up by Clarity, and you would receive instructions on how to use them at that time.  
    Do not disturbWhen this option is chosen, all calls for your Extension will route directly to your Voicemail without ringing or alerting your devices.
    Call Screening

    When this option is chosen, all callers will receive a prompt to state their name prior to the call being connected to you.  

    The call will then connect to you, the recorded name will play, and you will be able to choose whether to answer the call or allow it to follow your “when unanswered” rule.  


    Always is used when you want all of your Call Routing to directly forward to one Device, Extension, Voicemail, or Phone Number without any setting adjustments.

    This is often used to forward to an Answering Service or directly to Voicemail. 

    On ActiveThis is used to choose what the Call should do if you are already on an Active call.  
    When busyThis option is not currently in use for Clarity Voice domains.  
    When unanswered

    This option should always be set.  It controls what happens to the call when your Ring Time has expired. 

    For example, if you are set to a 20 second Ring Time, and the call has already rung your Extension for the 20 seconds, you will want to set the "When Unanswered" option to route the call to the next destination. 


    The "When Unanswered" destination can be to your own Voicemail, an Answering Service number (or other outside phone number), or to another Extension.  

    When offline

    This option determines where the call should route in the unlikely event that you lose internet/power, and your phone is no longer online.

    Typically, you would choose to either forward the call to your Voicemail, to your cell phone, or to an Answering Service, depending on what type of calls route to your Extension. 

    Simultaneous ring

    Simultaneous Ring has the most flexibility for your Extension’s routing as it includes the ability to send the call to more than one destination. 

    Include user’s extension- When checked, your Extension will be included in the Routing. 

    Ring all user’s phones- When checked all devices for your Extension will ring.  The device must be online.   

    These devices include any device logged into the Mobile App and/or Web Phone. 

    Answering confirmation for offnet numbers- This option should always be checked if you are including routing to a cell phone.  It is sometimes called “press one confirmation”. 

    Additional extensions or phone numbers can be added by clicking the Add plus icon.

    Ring delay- Any extension or phone number added to the Simultaneous Ring routing can have a Ring Delay included.  

    For example, maybe you would like the call to first ring your Extension and after ten seconds (approximately two rings) you would like the call to also begin ringing your cell phone.  

    Simply click the Ring Delay clock icon and use the slider to adjust when a call should begin ringing the device/number. 
    Just ring user’s extensionThis used to send all calls only to your Extension.

    Note:  "Press One Confirmation" is one of the options in Answering Rules. When this option is chosen, the call will route to the outside Phone Number. 

    Before connecting, the recipient/User will hear a "press one to accept this call" message.  If they press one, the call will connect to them.  If they do not, the call continues following all other routing.  Press One Confirmation is also known as "answer confirmation".

    1. Having Press One Confirmation on ensures that not only does the recipient know that this is a Business call and how they should answer, but also ensures that the recipient's personal cell phone number does not apply its own rules to send the call to their personal cell phone Voicemail.   

    2. If the call is being forwarded to an Answering Service or other similar entity, then Press One Confirmation is not needed. 

    Editing an Existing Answering Rule

  4. Choose the Answering Rules Tab.

  5. All existing Answering Rules will show as a List, including your “Default” Rule. 

    1. The Default Rule will activate whenever there are no other Time Frames higher in the Answering Rules list to take effect.  For example, if you have set Business Hours and no other Answering Rules, the Default Rule will activate when you are outside of your set Business Hours.
      1. You will not be able to delete a Default Rule

  6. Highlight the Answering Rule you would like to adjust.
    1. The edit and delete options will appear on the right.   Click the Edit pencil icon. 

  7. Make your adjustments.  If you need a reminder of the options available, scroll up to see the options above.
    1. Make sure to Save.

    Using Smart Routing to Adjust Routing

    Smart Routing is a fast way to see your Domain's Call Routing. 
    1. You will be able to make changes, see Call Routing, and adjust Times.   

    2. Smart Routing is available in both your Extension and Manager View.  Both Views will show the Domain Routing.

    3. Any Phone Number that forwards directly to an Auto Attendant will not be displayed in Smart Routing.

    1. Click the Smart Routing Tab.

    2. Your Smart Routing will take a moment to load. 
      1. You will see a "loading" message while Smart Routing pulls your Domain information, Routing, and options. This is the expected behavior as it pulls the complete list of numbers from your Inventory.

    3. Once this has loaded, you will see My Call Routing and My Timeframes

    4. Each Call Routing will display the Call Queue name or Extension.
      1. Hovering over the Phone icon will show you the Phone Number(s) that use this Routing. 

      2. Hovering over the Caret icon will allow you to collapse Call Routing box so that your View is less cluttered.  Click the Caret icon again to reopen the Call Routing box.

    5. See below for a detailed look at the My Call Routing options.

    6. Each Time Frame will display the Dates/Times of the Time Frame so that you able to see "at a glance" what Times have been used.

      1. Click the Settings gear icon to open a Time Frame pop-up window.  You may make changes directly from this window.  Make sure to click Save once all changes have been made. 

      2. Hovering over the Caret icon will allow you to collapse Time Frames box so that your View is less cluttered.  Click the Caret icon again to reopen the Time Frames box.

    "My Call Routing" Smart Routing Options

    For each Call Routing, you have five options:


    1. Status allows you to see if the Answering Rule for this Routing is currently Active (Green), the Default Rule (Black), or Disabled (Red).
    2. Answering Rules that are currently Disabled can still be used if re-enabled. While in the Disabled state, they will not take effect during their scheduled times. They are, in effect, "paused" until re-enabled.   


    1. If an Answering Rule is eligible to be re-enabled from this screen, you will see a switch that allows you to Toggle the status. 
    2. These types of Answering Rules are called Toggle Time Frames.  Toggle Time Frames are always in the Disabled status until "toggled on" by re-enabling them.  If your domain has Toggle Time Frames set up, you will receive instruction on how they work and how to use them effectively.   
    3. Toggle Time Frames can be Enabled/Disabled from Smart Routing, or a code may be used from any device in the Domain. 


    1. The Routing Column will give you a readout of the Answering Rule's Routing.  This includes the actual User/Extension/Phone Number that the Routing forwards to, the "when unanswered" Rule, and any additional settings such as "if offline". 


    1. Hovering over the "When" Column will tell you when this Answering Rule takes effect and the name of that Time Frame


    1. Clicking on Edit will give you a pop-up of any Field that may be changed from Smart Routing
    2. Changes made here are live and will take effect immediately, just as if they were changed from the User/Extension Answering Rule.

    Blocking a Specific Caller from Reaching Your Extension

    1. If a caller needs to be blocked from reaching your Extension, follow these instructions. 

    2. Blocking a Caller from reaching your Extension does not affect your domain's Main Routing.  

    3. If you need assistance in Toggling from your Manager View to your Extension View so that you may access your Extension Call Routing, scroll up to Extension View vs. Manager View

    1. Choose the Answering Rules Tab.

    2. Choose Allow/Block.

    3. In the Blocked Numbers column, type in the number you would like to block into the field.

      1. Click the Add plus icon.

    4. The blocked number will now be in the Blocked Numbers list.
      1. Repeat for any additional numbers. 

    5. When you are finished adding phone numbers, choose Done.

    Importing an Allow/Block Number List

    If you have a list of numbers to Allow or Block for your extension, you may use the Import option to mass upload a list of phone numbers. 

    1. Choose the Answering Rules tab.

    2. Choose Allow/Block.

    3. Choose Import.

      1. Choose Download Template.

      2. Open the Template and type in all of the numbers. 
      3. Beside each number, enter yes or no on whether this number is allowed. 

      4. Save the Template.

    4. Choose Import again. 

      1. Browse for the Template that you filled out, then click Upload

    5. The numbers will now show in the appropriate column.  
      1. Choose Done

    Types of Phones

    Clarity Voice has multiple options to make and take calls.  Our Phone Options aim to give you the most flexibility in your business as possible, with options both in-office and on-the-go.
    1. All of our Phone Options will display your Extension's Caller ID to the call recipient, eliminating the need to share your personal Cell Phone number with your business clients. 

    Options included in Business Essentials:

    Web Phone (also known as Clarity Office Anywhere):  Clarity Office Anywhere Web User Guide
    1. Our browser-based Web Phone is accessible both as a pop-up window and as a downloadable version (PWA).
    2. The Web Phone needs no special equipment to work, only your computer and preferred headset.  
    3. Web Phone can be used in addition to a physical phone or in place of a physical phone.

      1. Our Mobile App gives you the freedom to take calls wherever you are.  
      2. Available for both Android and iPhone. 
      3. Find yourself traveling or working in areas of low data signal or spotty Wi-Fi?  Contact us!  We'll help optimize your Mobile App settings and Call Routing.

      Additional Options

      Physical Phones
      1. Clarity Voice carries deskphones.  Available phone models include Cordless options and Conference phones.   https://clarityvoice.com/products/business-phones/desktop-phones/

      Clarity Cellular
      1. Use the power of your cell phone!  Clarity Cellular allows you to make and take calls with your cell phone without the need for an App.   https://clarityvoice.com/clarity-cellular/
      2. Using a second SIM, easily switch between your personal and business calls and texts, all on your own cell phone.

      Teams Connector Call App
      1. Our Teams Connector is especially designed for companies who use Microsoft Teams and would like to get the most out of their experience!   Article coming soon
      2. Teams Connector allows you to access both Portal and your Extension (as a Call App) right from Teams.
      3. The Teams Call App will allow you to make and take calls from your Extension, just as if you were using any other connected device.  It even has a Mobile option! 

      CDP (also known as Clarity Desktop Pro)  https://clarityvoice.com/clarity-desktop-pro/
      1. CDP is a downloadable soft phone option, tailored for both International and U.S. users.  

      Web Phone

      The Web Phone can be used as an alternate phone to make/take calls or can be used as the primary phone for your Extension. 

      1. Your Web Phone can be used for Inbound and/or Outbound Calls from your computer.  

      2. If you will be using your Web Phone for Inbound calls, add it to your Inbound Routing options for your Extension.

      3. The Web Phone will be in the “available” status for calls while you are logged into Portal

      4. Both Chat and Texting (SMS) can be accessed from the Web Phone window.   

      5. Your Web Phone can be accessed from both the Extension and Manager Views and does not require you Toggle to the Extension View to access the Web Phone.    

      Web Phone View Options

      The Web Phone has additional menu options that can be used to manage your Extension. 
      1. The same options are available in "docked" position and in "full" position.    The difference is size vs. accessibility.

      2. The Menu options in Web Phone are a limited version of your available Portal Tabs when in your Extension View.

      Docked Position View

      Call Center              Contacts              Voicemail        Call History   Chat and SMS

      1. Note:  The Web Phone Call Center option is a smaller version of the Call Center Tab that is available on your Extension View.   You will see Active Calls and have the ability to Login/Logout right from this screen. 

      There is an additional Menu that can also be accessed from Web Phone
      1. Just click the three line Menu option. 

      2. Under the Menu, you have access to:

       "Expanded" Position View
      1. Grab the corner of the Web Phone window and drag it outward to expand the window into its full size.  Your options are now in one large window and easily accessible.

      2.   When you are ready, simply pull the Window back to its original size for convenient docking of all options.  

      How to Use Web Phone

      1. In the top-right corner of your Portal, click Apps.
        1. From the dropdown menu, choose Office Anywhere Web

      2. First-time Users of Web Phone may need to give the Web Phone permissions to access the microphone.  Choose Allow.  
        1. You will see a main menu message.  Choose Next

        2.  You will see a profile area message. Choose Done

          1. After the initial acceptance, Web Phone will not ask for these permissions or show these navigation prompts again. 

      3.  To make an Outbound Call, choose the Plus button in the lower right corner. This will open the call options.  

        1.  Click the Dial Pad icon.   

        2.  Dial as normal. Press the green Call button when ready. 

      4.  Once in the active call, you will have the options to: 

        1. Mute:  Your microphone will be Muted, but you will still be able to hear the call.  
        2. Hold:  The call will be held for all parties on the call.  Your domain’s Music on Hold and any additional programmed Messages will play during this time. 
        3. Add Call :  Clicking Add Call will allow you to add another person to the current call (conference call). The new person added can be from your Contacts list or you can manually dial their number. 
        4.  Transfer:  You can transfer the call to a member of your Contacts list or manually add the number.  Click the Call phone icon beside the number.   
          1. If you choose Blind transfer, the call will immediately forward to the chosen number.   Blind transfer is sometimes referred to as a “cold” transfer. 
          2. If you choose Assisted transfer, your call will switch to pending transfer so that you can speak to the other party before you complete the transfer.  Assisted transfer is sometimes referred to as a “warm” transfer. 
          3. Choose Complete Transfer when you are ready to complete the transfer of the call.  

        5.  Park Call:  If your domain has Call Park Queues set up, you may Park the call into the Call Park Queue so that another Extension can pick up the call.  
        6. Switch Phone:  If you would like to switch the call to another of your Extension devices, choose this option.  
        7. Access Contacts:  This option will access your Contact List.  
        8. Hide Call:  This option is in the More menu.   This will “hide” the current call in your window.  

      5. When your call is complete, choose the red End Call icon.   


      There are several places in Portal where you can use Click-to-Call.  Click-to-Call allows you to click on a phone number in Portal, and Portal will call the number using your preferred phone device.  
      1. You may use Click-to-Call from your Contact List, Voicemail, or your own Call History 

      2. When in the Manager View, you will also be able to Click-to Call from the Domain's Call History.

      3. Phone Numbers that are eligible for Click-to-Call will appear in blue, similar to the appearance of a web link. 
        1. When you hover over an eligible Phone Number, the Click-to-Call message will appear above it. 

      1. When the phone number is clicked, a small window will appear to allow you to choose your preferred Phone device

      2. You will then click Call.
      3. Your preferred device will dial the phone number for you, as normal. 

      Extension Music on Hold

      Music on Hold is sometimes known as "message on hold", depending on how your Domain decides to use this option.  
      1. You may add Music on Hold for your Extension.  This is the the Music and Messages that will be played if your Extension is dialed directly, and you place the caller on hold. This does not affect the Domain's Music on Hold that plays if you should receive a call through the Main Routing or Call Queue.

      2. Setting an Extension Music on Hold is completely optional. If no Music on Hold is set, the Music on Hold will default to the Domain's Music on Hold

      3. You may add Introductory MessagesComfort Messages, and change the underlying Music

      4. You may add more than one Music on Hold Recording.  These Recordings will play in order unless you select "Randomize music".
      5. It is strongly recommended that any Recording uploaded be non-copyrighted material.  If you are part of a Franchise, Clarity may have your approved Franchise Music on Hold on file for you. 

      Changing/Setting Your Extension's Music on Hold

      1. Click the Music on Hold Tab. 

      2. You will be given the option to Add Music and Messages

      3. To add Music, click Add MusicBrowse for your Recording, Name it, and click Upload

        1.   You may downloadedit, or delete the Recording if needed.  If you choose to add more than one Music on Hold, you may let it play in order, or choose Randomize to play the Music in a random order. 

      Adding Messages to the Extension Music on Hold

      1. Click the Music on Hold Tab. 

      2. You will be given the option to Add Music and Messages

      3. To Add Messages, click Add Message.   Messages are sometimes known as "comfort messages".  These Messages "break in" to the Music on Hold at whatever interval you set.  Many domains use these to:  thank the caller for waiting, offer alternative contact such as a website or email address, and/or to advertise special features. 
        1. You will have the option to add Wait Status Updates. 

        2. You will also have the option to Add a Message by using: Text-to-Speech, Upload, or Record.

      4. To add an introductory Message, click Add Introduction.  Introductions will play in their entirety before the call is dispatched to an Agent.  Most domains will use this introduction to play a "calls may be recorded" message.

        1. You will have the option to Add Introduction by using: Text-to-Speech, Upload, or Record.

      5. Once your Music and Messages are set, you may look at additional options such as randomizing the music, changing Priority (which plays first), and the time between Messages.

      Extension Analytics

      Analytics are available for your Extension.  The Analytics available here will give you the option to view a summary of your Inbound and/or Outbound calls for your Extension. 
      1. Live Report Views will be saved as "Widgets". 

      2. You may change the Date Range of your Analytics by choosing Override Date Range.

      3. Overriding the Date Range is temporary and will not affect your saved Widget.
      1. As an Advanced User, you will have an Analytics Tab for both your Extension and for your Domain. The instructions in this section are specific to your Extension only. 

      2. If you need assistance in Toggling from your Manager View to your Extension View so that you may access your Extension Call Routing scroll up to Extension View vs. Manager View

      How to Add an Analytics Widget

      1. Click the Analytics tab.

      2. Click the Tools wrench icon.

      3. Select Add Widget.

        1. Choose your Report Type.
        2. Choose Next.

      4. Choose your Date Options.
        1. Choose Next.

      5. Choose the Group Options.  Use the Add/Remove icons to move Users (extensions) to the selected list.
        1. Choose Next.

      6. Choose the Call Type.  Use the Add/Remove icons to move Users (extensions) to the selected list.
        1. Choose Next.

      7. Choose your Advanced Options. Name your Widget and make additional Filter selections.
        1. Choose Next.

      8. Review Selections.
        1. Choose Finish.

      9. Your Widget will now appear on the Dashboard. 

      Viewing/Editing a Widget or Dashboard

      Viewing a Widget will allow you to see a deeper breakdown of the available information. 
      1. You may also Print and Download from the View Widget option.

      1. Click the Analytics tab.

      2. Click on the View magnifying glass icon on the Widget that you would like to view.  

      3. The larger and more detailed view will appear. 
        1. You will have the option to download or print the stats.  

        2. Click the View magnifying glass icon again to close the view. 

      4. To edit any Widget, simply click the Edit pencil icon on the Widget.

      5. To edit or delete the Dashboard, simply click the Tools wrench icon.

        1. Make your selection.

      Extension Call History and Call Recordings

      Your Extension’s Call History and Call Recordings (if enabled) are available to you in Portal 
      1. All Call History will be defaulted to the current day.  

      2. You may change the View by choosing the Filters option.   Filters will allow you to search by:  Date, Caller Number, Dialed Number, and/or Call Type.

      3. You will have a Call History tab available in both your Extension and Manager Views. The instructions in this section are specific to your Extension. 

      4. If you need assistance in Toggling from your Manager View to your Extension View so that you may access your Extension Call Routing scroll up to Extension View vs. Manager View

      How to View Your Extension Call History

      1. Choose the Call History Tab.

      2. A list of the calls made and taken for the specified date range will be displayed in the Call History list.  

      3. You may adjust the dates that you are searching for by clicking Filters.

        1. Make your choice, then choose Filter.

      4. Highlight any call and additional options will appear to the right of the selected Call.

      5. You may: 

        1. Edit or Add Contact.
        2. Download the Call Recording (if Call Recording is enabled for your domain).
        3. Listen to the Call Recording (if Call Recording is enabled for your domain). 
        4. Add Notes about the Call.  

      Video Chat and Meeting Options

      Our Clarity Video Anywhere app allows you to Video Call with both internal and external Contacts right from Portal.
      1. Meetings and Webinars can be created in Clarity Video Anywhere.

      2. You may Start a MeetingSchedule a One-time Meeting, or Schedule a Recurring Meeting.

      3. Clarity Video Anywhere is available in both the Manager and Extension Views.   You will not need to Toggle to your Extension to use Clarity Video Anywhere

      How to use Clarity Video Anywhere

      1. In Portal, click Apps
        1. Choose Clarity Video Anywhere from the drop-down menu.  

      2. Both Meetings and Webinars can be created in Clarity Video Anywhere

        1. You may create a one-time Meeting or a Recurring Meeting by choosing Schedule a Meeting.  Make sure to Save your Meeting when your choices are complete. 

        2. You may start an immediate Meeting by choosing Start a New Meeting.  Choose your options, if any, and click Next

          1. The Meeting will immediately begin. 

      3. You may also create a Meeting Room that can be joined at any time.   
        1. These are especially handy for meetings or trainings that are not on a regular basis but do occur often. It gives all participants a "place" to meet up without having to schedule or start a new meeting. 

      4. Make sure to Save your Meeting Room when your choices are complete. 

      5. Existing Meeting Room information can be accessed by choosing Rooms and then the requested Room

        1. The Join Information of the Room can be copied and shared quickly to participants. 

      6. Once inside the Meeting, you have the option to Screen ShareChat, and Record.

      "Manager" View

      The articles in this section specifically refer to the Manager abilities that have been activated for the Office Manager Permission Level
      1. You will find that many of the same options are available in multiple Tabs.  This is by design and allows you to manage easily and efficiently.  

      2. All changes made are effective for your entire domain, regardless of where you accessed the option. 

      3. If you need assistance Toggling from the Extension View back to your Manager View, scroll up to "Extension View vs. Manager View". 

      Extensions vs. "Users"

      An Extension (also called a "Seat") is a paid User.   
      1. Extensions have access to their own Call Routing and Phone Devices.  Extensions are assigned to a single Employee.

      2. In addition to Extensions, we also have other types of Users, such as Shared Users and Routing Users.  Routing Users hold the Routing Answering Rules for a Phone Number.  For example, every Auto Attendant and Call Queue has a matching Routing User. 

      3. Shared Users are used to share a specific feature.  For example, if more than one Extension needs access to a single Voicemail Inbox, rather than assign the Voicemail to a specific Exsension, we may instead create a Shared Voicemail User and give the Extensions access to it.

      4. Shared Users and Routing Users have no charge and will not be present on your monthly Invoice.   They will be present in the Users Tab in Portal so that you may adjust Routing as needed. 

      "Listen In" Feature

      Listen in is the ability to "live listen" to an active Call. 
      1. When using Listen in you have the option to silently listen or "whisper" toi the User who is on the call. 

      2. Listen in can be used to train new employees, assist Users through difficult conversations, and to monitor conversations.

      1. Just click the Listen in speaker icon. 

      2. An Outbound call will be made to your preferred phone device (set in the Answering Rules of your Extension). 
        1. It will be designated as "Bridge for Audio Monitoring".  

      3. A pop-up window will appear with your two options.  You will choose either Join Call or Whisper

      4. If you choose Join Call, you will join the call with your Audio muted so that you may listen to the call.  
        1. If you should need to speak at any point, you may un-mute so that both parties can hear you. 

      5. If you choose Whisper, you will join the call with the ability to speak to the User.   
        1. Only the User will hear you, your Audio is muted for the customer. 

      Home Screen (in Manager View)

      Home Screen is a great way to get details fast about the current Status of the Users (Extensions) and Domain.  It contains several Widgets of displayed information that may be interacted with. 
      1. You may "Listen In" to live Phone Calls from the Home Tab. 
      2. You may also view overall Statistics for the current Day and Month.  

      Options in the Home Tab Manager View

      Current Active Calls

      1. Any call that is actively live in your Domain will be shown here.  You may see the Caller, number Dialed, and even the User's phone device that was used to make/take the call. 

      2. You may also Listen in to a Live Call from the Current Active Calls Widget.   Just click the Listen in speaker icon. 

      Call Graph

      The Call Graph will display a line graph of the Active Calls.
      1. You may use the dropdowns to adjust the View by time or type of Call. 

      2. Hovering over any line will display additional information about this time period.

      3. You may print your results by clicking the Print printer icon.  You may use the Zoom feature to "zoom in" by HourDay, or Week.

      Users and Applications

      The Users and Applications Widget wil display the overall totals of Types of Users and Phone Devices for the Domain. 

      1. Keep in mind that "Users" are the total Users, which includes both Extensions and Routing/Shared Users

      2. Registered Devices refers to Phone Devices that have gone "online", even if they are not currently online at the moment.

      3. Hovering over the "i" info icon will display the definition of the Statistic.

      4. You may click the Refresh cycle icon at any time to refresh the displayed information.

      Usage Statistics

      These Statistics here are specifically geared to show usage for the Current DayCurrent Month, and Previous Month
      1. Hovering over the "i" info icon will display the definition of the Statistic.

      2. You may click the Refresh cycle icon at any time to refresh the displayed information. 

      Call Center Tab (Manager View)

      The Call Center Tab for your Domain is one of the most powerful tools that you have at your disposal. 

      1. The Call Center Tab contains a quick, live screenshot of your "Call Center". 

      2. It also contains both Live and Emailed Report options.  These options provide in depth information and statistics for your CallsCall Queues, and Agents.  

      3. When in a Call Queue, Extensions/Users are called Agents.

      4. You must be in the "Manager View" to access your entire Domain.  If you need assistance Toggling from the Extension View back to your Manager View, scroll up to "Extension View vs. Manager View".

      Call Center Home Screen Options

      Call Queues

      1. Call Queues provides a detailed, live look at all Call Queues that have been assigned to you to manage.  This includes wait time and available Agents.

      2. You may click on Active Calls to open a pop-up window of all live calls.   You may live "Listen in" to any of the calls here by choosing the "listen in" speaker icon. 

      3. Hovering over Callers Waiting will open a pop-up of any Call that is currently waiting to be dispatched to a live agent and live calls.  This includes callers that have chosen the "queue call back" option. 

      4. You may live "Listen in" to any of the calls here by choosing the "listen in" speaker icon. 

      5. Hovering over any Call Queue will give you the ability to access Edit Agents and Edit Queues.

      6. If you choose Edit Agents, you will see a live view of every Agent assigned to the Call Queue and their current status.  This same information is also available in the Call Queues Tab.

      7. Green is logged in and in a status available to take calls, Red is busy, and Gray is unavailable (not able to take calls).You will also be able to see their current Settings, including Wrap-up Time and Max Calls.

      8. You may Edit or Delete an Agent from the Call Queue entirely.  Hover over the Agent, and both options will appear.   Deleting an Agent from the Call Queue does not delete their User.  It simply removes them as an Agent of that Call Queue.

      9. From this screen, you may add Additional Agents as well. Click Add Agent.  A pop-up window will appear, allowing you make your selections for the additional Agent.  If you need a refresher of the available Agent Settings, scroll down to Call Queue Agent Settings.   Choose Save Agent when your selections are complete. 

      1. If Edit Queues is chosen, you will be able to access the Call Queue settings.  The Settings here are a mirror of what is also avaiable in the Call Queues Tab.   Scroll down to Call Queues if you would like more information on Queue Settings.  Save when complete. 

      Active Calls Graph

      1. Just like in the Extension View, the Active Calls Graph shows Active Calls.

      2. Hovering over any part of the Graph provides additional information.


      1. Clicking the SMARTanalytics button will open SMARTanalytics in a new Tab.

      2. SMARTanalytics allows you to create customized Boards for your Agents.  If you would like to learn more about SMARTanalytics, scroll down to SMARTanalytics


      1. Clicking on Reports will open a new Portal view within the Call Center Tab that allows you to view live Reports, adjust Settings, and schedule Email Reports

      2. Due to the complexity of this View, details are provided in the Reports section of this Guide.  Scroll down to Reports.  To return to the main Call Center Tab View, click the Call Center Tab again. 

      3. Clicking the dropdown on the Reports button provides a shortcut directly to Email Reports

      4. A pop-up window for Email Reports will open. Due to the complexity of the Email Reports, details are provided in the Email Reports section of this Guide.  To return to the main Call Center Tab View, click the Call Center Tab after you have made your selections. 


      1. Clicking Settings will give you additional options to adjust the Service Level Agreement for your Call Center Tab View and to create Custom Statuses for your Agents to use. 

      2. To adjust the Service Level Agreement, move the slider. 

      3. Hovering over the info "i" icon will give you a reminder of the parameters for Service Level Agreement. 

      4.  To create a Custom Status, just click the Custom Statuses tab in the Settings

      5. Type in the Custom Status, then click the Add plus icon.  Choose Save when complete.

      6. Custom Statuses are shared among all Agents for your domain, regardless of whether they are assigned to you. They provide a way to get more granular in reporting and allow you to know exactly why the Agent is offline.   You may create up to 8 Custom Statuses for your Domain.   

      7. Custom Statuses will place the Agent in the offline/unavailable state. 

      8. Custom Statuses will display in the Call Center Tab as an option for the Agent(s) Availability. 

      Available Grid Setting Stats

      Callers Waiting 
       Based on the number of callers waiting in the queue.

      The “Lower Threshold” controls when the stat turns completely yellow and should be less than the Upper Threshold.

      If left blank, color will turn yellow at 70% of Upper Threshold.

      The “Upper Threshold” controls when the stat turns completely red and should be more than the Lower Threshold. 
      Average Wait Time 
      Based on the average time a caller waits in the queue before the call is either answered, forwarded to another destination or they hang up.

      The “Lower Threshold” controls when the stat turns completely yellow and should be less than the Upper Threshold.

      If left blank, color will turn yellow at 70% of Upper Threshold.

      The “Upper Threshold” controls when the stat turns completely red and should be more than the Lower Threshold.  
      Average Handling Time 
      The average of talk time, hold time (after the call has been answered) and disposition time combined.

      The “Lower Threshold” controls when the stat turns completely yellow and should be less than the Upper Threshold.

      If left blank, color will turn yellow at 70% of Upper Threshold.

      The “Upper Threshold” controls when the stat turns completely red and should be more than the Lower Threshold.  
      Service Level (%) 
      Based on the ratio of calls meeting the configurable service level agreement.

      The “Lower Threshold” controls when the stat turns completely yellow and should be less than the Upper Threshold.

      If left blank, color will turn yellow at 70% of Upper Threshold.

      The “Upper Threshold” controls when the stat turns completely red and should be more than the Lower Threshold.  
      Abandon Rate (%) 
      Based on the ratio of callers that hung up before ringing an agent vs. calls that rang an agent.

      The “Lower Threshold” controls when the stat turns completely yellow and should be less than the Upper Threshold.

      If left blank, color will turn yellow at 70% of Upper Threshold.

      The “Upper Threshold” controls when the stat turns completely red and should be more than the Lower Threshold.
      Calls Answered 
       Based on total calls answered.

      The “Lower Threshold” controls when the stat turns completely yellow and should be less than the Upper Threshold.

      If left blank, color will turn yellow at 70% of Upper Threshold.

      The “Upper Threshold” controls when the stat turns completely red and should be more than the Lower Threshold.  
      Call Volume 
       Based on the total number of calls, including calls that disconnected before ringing an agent.

      The “Lower Threshold” controls when the stat turns completely yellow and should be less than the Upper Threshold.

      If left blank, color will turn yellow at 70% of Upper Threshold.

      The “Upper Threshold” controls when the stat turns completely red and should be more than the Lower Threshold. 
      Abandoned Calls
      Based on the number of callers that abandoned the queue before being dispatched to an agent.

      The “Lower Threshold” controls when the stat turns completely yellow and should be less than the Upper Threshold.

      If left blank, color will turn yellow at 70% of Upper Threshold.

      The “Upper Threshold” controls when the stat turns completely red and should be more than the Lower Threshold. 


      The Agents section gives you the ability to see all Agents assigned to your Call Queues and quickly access their Status.  When in a Call Queue, Extensions/Users are called Agents.
      1. Hover over any Agent. The Agent's Extension and current status will appear.

      2. You will also be able to see how long the Agent has been in this Status.

      1. While hovering, you will also see options to view Stats, assigned Call Queues, and "Listen in". 

      2. If you click Stats, a window will open with a quick view of that Agent's stats

      3. Hovering over any image will reveal additional information about that stat

      4. If you choose Queues, you will see the Agent's current Queue Status in any Call Queue that they are assigned to, their Wrap Up Time, and their Priority (if they are in a Call Queue that uses Priority). 

      5. You may change their Status manually if needed by clicking the dropdown and choosing the Status.  You can also do this by choosing Set Status.

      6. Make sure to Save if any changes were made.  Choose Close to exit.

      7. Choosing Listen will trigger our system to call you on your preferred device.  You will have the option to Join in (Agent not notified that you have joined and your microphone is muted by default) or to Whisper (Agent notified that you have joined, and your microphone will be unmuted for the Agent ONLY).  


      There are two types of Reports accessible in the Call Center Tab.  There are the live "Call Center Reports", and the snapshot "Emailed Reports".  
      1. Both Report Types can be used in tandem to get the best coverage and the "drill-down" of your Agent and Queue Statistics. 

      2. You must be in the "Manager View" to access your entire Domain.  If you need assistance Toggling from the Extension View back to your Manager View, scroll up to "Extension View vs. Manager View".

      Call Center Reports

      Call Center Reports are accessed by clicking the Call Center Tab, then Reports.
      1. Your Call Center Reports View is not a domain-wide view. You may make changes as needed to your View without affecting other Supervisors.

      1. Your Filter will automatically default to the most recent day.  You may override the date by clicking the Date calendar icon. You may override the time by clicking the dropdown beside the Time

      2. It is best to navigate a Calendar month at a time to reduce lagging as the data is pulled for you.  Attempting to pull more than 31 days of data can result in slow load times or the inability to load data.  Once your selected Date and Times have loaded, you may customize your view to include and exclude specific Stats.

      3. You may also Filter by Queues in the many of the Reports.

      4. Settings can be accessed from the Call Center View.  The Settings are identical to those available in the Call Center Tab Home View.  For more information about the Call Center Settings, scroll up to Call Center

      5. Any Live Report may be printed or downloaded.  Just choose the Print or Download option. 

      6. Your Table Settings control what is shown in your View.  In any of the five Live Reports, simply click Table Settings and a list of available Statistics will appear.  Checkmark any requested Statistics.  Remove the checkmark if you would like to remove the Statistic from your View.
      7. In larger Views, the Stat's names will be abbreviated.  You may hover over the "i" info icon to read any Stat description. 

      8. Stats will be displayed two ways, both as a Graph and as a Chart.  The Graph view will display in three-hour increments. Hovering over any line will reveal additional details. 

      9. Any number in blue is a clickable field that will break down the available data into even more details.

      10. Once opened, you will see additional options for Calls, including the ability to download and listen to Call Recordings (if enabled).   These Call Recordings are also available in the Call History Tab.

      Queue Stats

      1. The Queue Stats report provides information about what happened with the selected Queue(s) for a given period of time.

      2. Any number in blue is a clickable field that will break down the available data into even more details. 

      3. Clicking in the Queue Stats will not only show the Call, but the Call Recording (if any), Cradle to Grave, and Notes are also available, right in the Call Center Tab View

      4. Cradle to Grave allows you to see the entire path of the Call from the caller entering the Call Queue, navigating through Auto Attendants, which Agents were rung, and even the Release reason.  For more information about Cradle to Grave, scroll to Call History

      Available Queue Stats Table Setting Fields



      Call Volume (VOL) 

      Number of calls originating through a Call Queue.  Includes answered calls, abandoned calls, forwards and voicemail 

      Calls Handled (CH) 

      The number of calls answered by an agent originating through a Call Queue 

      Calls Offered (CO) 

      Number of calls that reached the queue to be dispatched to agents.  Includes abandoned calls.  Does not include forwards or voicemails. 

      Adjusted Calls Offered (ACO) 

      Adjusted number of calls that reached the queue.  Excludes calls abandoned in less than 10 seconds 

      Voicemail (VM) 

      Number of calls handled by the automated voicemail system 

      Forward (FWD) 

      Number of calls forwarded to another queue or offnet phone number for handling.  Includes forwarded calls to voicemail 

      Average Talk Time (ATT) 

      Average number of minutes agents spent talking to customers per answered call on calls originating through a Call Queue 

      Assisted Calls Handled (AST) 

      Number of calls answered and passed onto a different agent for further handling 

      Avg After Call Work (ACW) 

      Average time an agent spends between the end of a call and submitting call disposition 

       Callbacks (CB) Number of calls that requested a callback rather than waiting in the queue.

      Avg Hold Time (AH) 

      Average time a caller spends on hold with an agent.  Excludes waiting time in the Call Queue 

      Service Level (SL) 

      The ratio of calls meeting the configurable service level agreement 

      Percent Dial Transfers (DT) 

      Percentage of calls that landed in the queue and were offered to an agent 

      Abandon Calls (AC) 

      Number of calls that abandoned the queue before being offered to an agent 

      Adjusted Abandoned Calls (AAC) 

      Number of calls that abandoned the queue in over 10 seconds 

      Abandon Rate (AR) 

      Percentage of calls offered that were abandoned (abandoned calls / calls offered) 

      Adjusted Abandon Rate (AAR) 

      Percentage of calls offered that were abandoned in over 10 seconds (Adj Abandon Calls / Calls Offered) 

      Avg Handle Time (AHT) 

      Average time an agent spent on a call.  Includes Talk Time (TT), Hold Time (AH) and Disposition Time (ACW)  

      Avg Wait Time (AWT) 

      Average number of seconds a caller spent in the selected queue before being dispatched to an agent. If none selected, total for all queues will be displayed 

      SMS Volume (SMS VOL) 

      Number of SMS messages originating through a Call Queue 

      SMS Avg Handle Time (SMS AHT) 

      Average time an agent spent handling an SMS session 

      Agent Stats

      1. The Agent Stats report tracks agent metrics during a given period of time.

      2. Agent Stats can be separated by both Department and Queue by using the dropdowns.

      3. Any number in blue is a clickable field that will break down the available data into even more details. 

      4. Agent Stats has multiple fields available to click and drill-down to see more details.  For example, if you were to click the Calls Handled (CH) field, you would see each of the 13 calls handled.  

      5. Fields that include call-breakdown will include Call Recording (if enabled and available), Cradle to Grave, and Notes are also available, right in the Call Center Tab View.
      6. Cradle to Grave allows you to see the entire path of the Call from the caller entering the Call Queue, navigating through Auto Attendants, which Agents were rung, and even the Release reason.  For more information about Cradle to Grave, scroll to Call History.

      Available Agent Stats Table Setting Fields


      The agent's extension number 


      The agent's first name 


      The agent's last name 


      The agent’s department 

      Calls Handled (CH) 

      Number of calls answered by the agent originating through a queue 

      Talk Time (TT) 

      Number of minutes spent by an agent on answered calls originating through a Call Queue 

      Average Talk Time (ATT) 

      Average number of minutes spent by an agent talking per answered call on calls originating through a Call Queue  

      Assisted Calls (AST) 

      Number of calls answered and passed onto a different agent for further handling 

      Avg After Call Work Time (ACW) 

      Average time an agent spends between the end of a call and submitting call disposition 

      Avg Hold Time (AH) 

      Average time a caller spends on hold with an agent.  Excludes waiting time in the Call Queue 

      Avg Handle Time (AHT) 

      Average time an agent spent on a call.  Includes Talk Time (TT), Hold Time (AH) and Disposition Time (ACW) 

      Missed Calls (MC) 

      Number of calls originating through a Call Queue offered to an agent but not answered 

      Outbound Attempts (OATT) 

      Number of outbound call attempts by agent. Excludes on-net calls and conference calls. 

      Outbound Answered (OANS) 

      Number of outbound calls by agent answered by remote party.  Includes calls answered by voicemail.  Excludes on-net and conference calls. 

      Outbound Minutes (OM) 

      Number of minutes spent by an agent on outbound calls.  Includes Talk and Hold Time.  Excludes Call Center calls, on-net calls and conference calls. 

      Outbound Average (OAvg) 

      Average length of time spent by an agent on outbound calls.  Excludes call center calls, on-net calls and conference calls.  

       Outbound Unique Calls (OUC)
      Number of UNIQUE outbound calls by agent answered by remote party. 

      Includes calls answered by voicemail. 
      Adjusted Outbound Unique Calls (AOUC)
      Number of UNIQUE outbound calls by agent answered by remote party, excluding any call under 20 seconds. 

      Includes calls answered by voicemail. 

      Inbound Calls (IA) 

      Number of attempted calls inbound to an agent.  Includes Call Center calls.  Excludes on-net calls and conference calls 

      Inbound Answered (IANS) 

      Number of inbound answered calls to an agent.  Includes Call Center calls.  Excludes on-net calls and conference calls. 

      Inbound Minutes (IM) 

      Number of minutes spent from an agent on inbound calls.  Includes Call Center calls, Talk and Hold time.  Excludes on-net calls and conference calls. 

      Inbound Average (IAVG) 

      Average length of time spent by an agent on inbound calls.  Includes call center calls.  Excludes on-net calls and conference calls. 

      Agent Availability

      1. The Agent Availability tracks the available status of an Agent over a specified period of time.

      2. Agent Availability can be separated by Department by using the dropdown.

      3. Additional Status information can be obtained by hovering over the Interactive Table.

      4. Custom Statuses  (if any) are included in the available Table Settings

      Available Agent Availability Table Setting Fields


      The agent's extension number 

      First Name 

      The agent's first name 

      Last Name 

      The agent's last name 


      Domain name 


      Department name 

      Logged In Hours (LI) 

      Total time an agent status is set to Online 

      Available Minutes (AM) 

      Total time an agent is available for calls.  Includes time Logged in/Online status.  Excludes Break, Lunch, Meeting, Unavailable, Web and Other statuses 

      Unavailable Minutes (UM) 

      Total time an agent is not available for calls. Includes time Logged off/Offline Status, Break, Lunch, Meeting, Web and Other statuses.  Excludes Available. 

      Lunch Minutes (L) 

      Total time an agent status is set to Lunch 

      Break Minutes (B) 

      Total time an agent status is set to Break 

      Meeting Minutes (M) 

      Total time an agent status is set to Meeting 

      Other (O) 

      Total time an agent status is not Available, Break, Lunch, Meeting or Web.  Excludes Unavailable status. 

      Web (W) 

      Total time an agent status is set to Web 

      Dialed Number Stats

      1. The Dialed Number Stats report tracks how incoming calls to your telephone numbers were handled.

      2. Fields that include call-breakdown:  Call Recording (if any), Cradle to Grave, and Notes are also available.
      3. Cradle to Grave allows you to see the entire path of the Call from the caller entering the Call Queue, navigating through Auto Attendants, which Agents were rung, and even the Release reason.  For more information about Cradle to Grave, scroll to Call History

      Available Dialed Number Stats Table Setting Fields


      The queue name 


      The domain name 

      Call Volume (VOL) 

      Number of calls originating through a Call Queue.  Includes answered calls, abandoned calls, forwards and voicemail 

      Calls Handled (CH) 

      The number of calls answered by an agent originating through a Call Queue 

      Calls Offered (CO) 

      Number of calls that reached the queue to be dispatched to agents.  Includes abandoned calls.  Does not include forwards or voicemails. 

      Adjusted Calls Offered (ACO) 

      Adjusted number  of calls that reached the queue.  Excludes calls abandoned in less than 10 seconds 

      Voicemail (VM) 

      Number of calls handled by the automated voicemail system 

      Forward (FWD) 

      Number of calls forwarded to another queue or offnet phone number for handling.  Includes forwarded calls to voicemail 

      Average Talk Time (ATT) 

      Average number of minutes agents spent talking to customers per answered call on calls originating through a Call Queue 

      Assisted Calls Handled (AST) 

      Number of calls answered and passed onto a different agent for further handling 

      Avg After Call Work (ACW) 

      Average time an agent spends between the end of a call and submitting call disposition 

       Callbacks (CB) Number of calls that requested a callback rather than waiting in the queue.

      Avg Hold Time (AH) 

      Average time a caller spends on hold with an agent.  Excludes waiting time in the Call Queue 

      Service Level (SL) 

      The ratio of calls meeting the configurable service level agreement 

      Percent Dial Transfers (DT) 

      Percentage of calls that landed in the queue and were offered to an agent 

      Abandon Calls (AC) 

      Number of calls that abandoned the queue before being offered to an agent 

      Adjusted Abandoned Calls (AAC) 

      Number of calls that abandoned the queue in under 10 seconds 

      Abandon Rate (AR) 

      Percentage of calls offered that were abandoned (abandoned calls / calls offered) 

      Adjusted Abandon Rate (AAR) 

      Percentage of calls offered that were abandoned in under 10 seconds (Adj Abandon Calls / Calls Offered) 

      Avg Handle Time (AHT) 

      Average time an agent spent on a call.  Includes Talk Time (TT), Hold Time (AH) and Disposition Time (ACW)  

      Avg Wait Time (AWT) 

      Average number of seconds a caller spent in the selected queue before being dispatched to an agent. If none selected, total for all queues will be displayed 

      SMS Volume (SMS VOL) 

      Number of SMS messages originating through a Call Queue

      (this option not currently enabled) 

      SMS Avg Handle Time (SMS AHT) 

      Average time an agent spent handling an SMS session 

      (this option not currently enabled)

      Abandoned Calls

      1. The Abandoned Calls report lists the details for abandoned calls during a specified period of time.

      2. The report displays Call Center graphs for abandoned calls, organized by individual queues.  Time is measured along the x-axis and the number of calls abandoned is measured along the y-axis.

      3. All of the abandoned calls for the Queue appear below the graph, along with statistics about each individual call.

      4. Abandoned Calls can be separated by Queue by using the dropdown.

      5. There are no Table Settings for Abandoned Calls

      6. Additional information can be obtained by hovering over the Interactive Table.

      7. Abandoned Call information includes the Dialed Number and Wait Time before the caller abandoned the Call Queue.

      Email Reports

      1. Email Reports can be reached by clicking the Call Center Tab, then Reports, and finally Email Reports.

      2. They can also be reached in the Call Center Tab Report View by clicking the Email Reports option.

      3. Email Reports can be sent in varying frequencies including monthly, weekly, and daily.  Depending on the time period selected, the supervisor will be prompted to enter applicable time and date settings.  For instance: a daily report will require the supervisor to set a time, and a weekly report will require the supervisor to set a day of the week and time.  

      4. Up to four additional email addresses may receive the selected reports.  (5 total email addresses)

      Scheduling Email Reports

      1. Once Email Reports is chosen, a pop-up of selections will appear.  Make your selections, including time/date.  Your on-screen options will change based on your selection.  
        1. Once your selections are made, you will see an Advanced tab appear in the window. 

        2. Click Next

      2. Your Stat selections will be automatically made you based on the type of Report(s) that you chose.  However, you may add additional Stats by holding Ctrl/CMD or Shift. 

        1. Make your additional selections, if any. 

      3. Add your Email Address by typing in the email address in the Extra Email Addresses field and then clicking the Add plus icon.   You may schedule up to 5 total Email Addresses

      4. If you would like the raw CSV data also sent, checkmark Attach CSV to Email

      5. You may choose the Back button at any time to adjust your Report types.  Once complete, choose Save.



      1. SMARTanalytics allows Domains with the Call Center add-on plan to create customized real-time wallboards for their Call Center environment.  The SMARTanalytics boards are able to be used in conjunction with the information received in the Call Center Tab itself.   

      2. Boards may be shared within the Domain.

      3. A total of seven different cards or widgets can be used to create the board
      4.  SMARTanalytics can be reached in multiple ways. You may reach the SMARTanalytics from within the Call Center Tab by clicking the SMARTanalytics option. 

      5. You may also reach SMARTanalytics by clicking Apps from any screen in either the Manager or Extension View, then choosing SMARTanalytics. 

      6. Your SMARTanalytics Dashboards will also be visible in your Manager View of the Analytics tab.

      7. SMARTanalytics will always open in a new Window.  Your Portal will stay open in its original Window.

      General SMARTanalytics Board Navigation

      1. Once SMARTanalytics is opened, you will see that a default "Agent Stock Board" is ready for you. 

      2. You may create a new Board by clicking the three line Main Menu.  Choose New Board.

      3. You may View Existing Boards and Boards that have been shared with you by clicking the three line Main Menu.  Click the dropdowns for Favorite BoardsMy Boards, or Shared with me. 

      4. When Viewing a Board, you will have additional options in the top right of your Board

        1. Edit board: Enter board edit mode where you can change the cards and contents of the board. 
        2. Copy board: Copy a board and create a duplicate that will appear in your list of boards. Copied boards have all content and settings from the original board. 
        3. Delete board: Permanently delete a board so it's no longer viewable. 
        4. Board settings: See "Board settings" section. 
        5. Favorite board: Favorite the board so it shows up in your list of favorite boards in the side navigation. 
        6. Share board: See "Sharing a board" section. 
        7. Enter full screen: Toggle between normal and full screen viewing. 

      5. When viewing the Cards of a Board you will see two icons:  More and filters.  The More menu provides a shortcut to specific card actions.  You may:  Edit Card, Copy Card, or Delete Card.

      6. Filters will allow you to filter and change the View. 

      Adding/Editing a SMARTanalytics Board

      1. Click the Edit pencil icon to edit a board

      2. When in Editing mode, the Board will turn white to indicate that you are changing the Board.  New options will appear in the top right. 

        1. Edit board name: Change the board's name. 
        2. Save or cancel changes: After making changes made to a board, save and cancel buttons will appear. You can save or revert any changes made. 
        3. Add card: See "Adding a card" section. 
        4. Add header: Add a simple text header to help create card groupings or sections. You can adjust header width and font size. 
        5. Drag and drop cards: Click and hold on any card, then drag to the desired position. 
        6. Drag to resize cards: Click and hold on the corner handle, then drag to resize. 
        7. Card hover options: Hover over a card to show some quick actions.  You will be able to:  Edit card, Copy card, Filters (if applied), or Delete card.

        8. Back: Exit edit mode by clicking the back button.

      Adding a SMARTanalytics Card

      Once a Card is added, Cards may be rearranged by clicking and dragging.
      1. Click the Add card button.

      2. Click Choose Type.

      3. A side-menu of Types will open on the right.  Choose one the following card types:  

        1. Line Graph: One or more lines from a Call Queue data set that is plotted over time.  The data can be customized as follows: 
          1. Aggregate data or per Queue 
          2. Time Display  
          3. Alerts 
          4. Style 
        2. Gauge: A stat value for individual Call Queues with a gauge that fills to a specified limit.  The data can be customized as follows: 

          1. Alerts  
          2. Style 
        3. Single Stat: A single stat's value for a single Call Queue or aggregate Call Queues.  The data can be customized as follows:  

          1. Time Display 
          2. Alerts 
          3. Style 
        4. Table: Data with multiple stats for Agents and Call Queues or descriptive information available in columns.  The data can be customized as follows: 

          1. Aggregate or Filter  
          2. Style 
        5. Grid: Simple table arranged in a grid format to maximize number of items (data set currently limited to agents).  The data style can be customized.  

        6. Note: Add a customizable note.  The style can be customized. 

        7. Iframe: Display external web sites or resources.  Add a URL (the URL must either be hosted on the same domain as this application or must support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing). 

          1. The Iframe style can be customized.  

      4. Once you have made your Card type, click Next to move to Data

      5. Click Add data. One or more data sets can be added to cards depending on the selected card type.  Select from a list of data sets that are compatible with the chosen card type.    Note and iframe card types only take manual text input. 

        1. Breakdown: Data sets on line graphs can be broken down into separate lines. The breakdown options are: aggregate, per queue, and per agent. Specific breakdown options may be limited depending on the data set. 
        2. Filters: Filters for call queue, departments, sites, and agents can be applied to data sets.  (Default filters can be applied to new cards. See "Board settings" section below.) 
          1. Once selections are complete, click Add to return back to the Data tab.

        3. Add alertsAlerts allow you to trigger color changes or browser notifications when a monitored data set crosses a threshold. 

          1. Select which data set you want to monitor and set the alert to trigger when it's either above or below the specified threshold. 
          2. Select the color of your alert
          3. NOTE: Multiple thresholds must have the same threshold trigger direction. If your first alert triggers when it's above a threshold, the rest of your alerts must also be above their specified threshold. 

      6. Once the Data sets are chosen, click Next to move to Style.  

        1. Style: Adjust some of the visual settings to fine tune your card.  
        2. Click Done when complete. 

      7. You may move and resize the Card you created of needed. 

      SMARTanalytics Board Settings

      1. Within Board Settings, you can adjust card layout margins, toggle browser notifications for the board, and set default filters that new cards will inherit for their data sets. 

      2. You may adjust:

        1. Card Margin:  Adjust the margin space between cards to better fit display resolutions. You can select: auto, 16px, or 24px. The auto option will adjust depending on the view width. 
        2. Browser Notifications:  Enable or disable browser notifications for a board. This allows you to turn off notifications on a board. 
        3. Default Filters:  Set filters that will automatically apply to data sets in all new cards within the board. Updating and saving filters here will also give you the option to update all existing cards with the new filters.

      Sharing a Board

      1. Board sharing options are available in SMARTanalytics and allow you to share your board with specific individuals or broad groups.

      2. Boards shared with others will appear in their list of "Boards shared with me" in the side navigation.  "Share board with..." : By default, boards are set to be shared only with specific groups or people.   You can change this so the board is shared with Anyone in your organization and toggle whether everyone can edit. 

      3. Share with specific groups or people: Sharing with specific groups or people requires you to add a list of scopes, sites, departments, or people in order to share with them.   Enter a specific scope, department, site, or person.  Click Save when complete.

      Domain Analytics

      Analytics are available for your Domain as well as your Extension.  The Analytics available here will give you the option to view a summary of your Inbound and/or Outbound calls for your entire Domain.
      1. Live Report Views will be saved as "Widgets". 

      2. You may change the Date Range of your Analytics by choosing Override Date Range.

      3. Overriding the Date Range is temporary and will not affect your saved Widget.

      4. As a Call Center Supervisor, you will have an Analytics Tab for both your Extension and for your Domain.  The instructions in this section are specific to your Domain. . 

      How to Add an Analytics Widget

      1. Click the Analytics tab.

      2. Click the Tools wrench icon.

      3. Select Add Widget.

        1. Choose your Report Type.
        2. Choose Next.

      4. Choose your Date Options.
        1. Choose Next.

      5. Choose the Group Options.  Use the Add/Remove icons to move Users (extensions) to the selected list.
        1. Choose Next.

      6. Choose the Call Type.  Use the Add/Remove icons to move Users (extensions) to the selected list.
        1. Choose Next.

      7. Choose your Advanced Options. Name your Widget and make additional Filter selections.
        1. Choose Next.

      8. Review Selections.
        1. Choose Finish.

      9. Your Widget will now appear on the Dashboard. 

      Viewing/Editing a Widget or Dashboard 

      Viewing a Widget will allow you to see a deeper breakdown of the available information. 
      1. You may also Print and Download from the View Widget option.

      1. Click the Analytics tab.

      2. Click on the View magnifying glass icon on the Widget that you would like to view.  

      3. The larger and more detailed view will appear. 
        1. You will have the option to download or print the stats.  

        2. Click the View magnifying glass icon again to close the view. 

      4. To edit any Widget, simply click the Edit pencil icon on the Widget.

      5. To edit or delete the Dashboard, simply click the Tools wrench icon.

        1. Make your selection.

      Managing Your Domain's Users

      As an Office Manager, you have permissions to edit other Users/Extensions.
      1. You will have access to the Profile, Answering Rules, Voicemail, and Advanced Options (such as resetting the User's Password for them).
      1. You must be in your Manager View to access Users. If you need assistance Toggling from the Extension View back to your Manager View, scroll up to "Extension View vs. Manager View". 

      How Do I Update Another User's Profile Information?

      1. Click the Users Tab.

      2. Search for the User that you will need to update.   Click on their Name
        1. In our Example, we will be updating "Bob Rogers", extension 202. 

      3. Once the User is chosen, you will be on the User's Profile tab by default. 
        1. In our Example, we will be updating "Bob's" Voicemail PIN.
        2. Make your changes, then Save

      Note:  You are able to edit your own User in this way, but will have more options available to you if you switch to your Extension View, then access your Profile

      How do I Update Another User's Voicemail Options?

      You can update another User's Voicemail Settings, including their Notifications and Greetings.
      1. This is especially useful if you are onboarding a new Employee and want to set up their Voicemail Greeting for them.
      2. You will have access to the same Settings that you do when managing your own Extension. 

      1. Click the Users Tab.

      2. Search for the User that you will need to update.   Click on their Name
        1. In our Example, we will be updating "Bob Rogers", extension 202. 

      3. Once the User is chosen, click Voicemail

        1. In our Example, we are updating "Bob" to receive Notifications.
        2. Make your changes, then click Save

      How Do I "Remove" a User?

      If you need to remove a Routing User, please contact us. We will review your Routing and remove unnecessary Users

      If you need to remove an Employee who is no longer with your company, you can "reset" the User
      1. Resetting a User will remove their access, reset their Name, and clear Voicemails.   The User will then be available to be used by another employee.
      2. You can Reset a User even if you do not have a replacement for the User at this time. 

      1. Click the Users Tab.

      2. Search for the User that you will need to update.   Click on their Name
        1. In our Example, we will be updating "Bob Rogers", extension 202, who is retiring.

      3. Click the Voicemail tab.  Before Resetting a User, it is best practice to ensure that they have no Voicemails to be attended to.  Voicemails cannot be recovered after deletion.

        1. Look at the "Number of Messages" field.  In our Example, "Bob" has already cleared his own Voicemails. 
        2. If there are any Voicemail Messages showing, contact us.  We will be able to access the Voicemails.  We can forward these to another Extension and/or download them for you.

      4. If you are ready to proceed, click the Advanced Tab.

      5. Click Reset User.

        1. A pop-up window of options will appear.  Make your selections. Make sure to checkmark Recycle User (even if no new Employee is ready to replace the Employee).  Click Reset.
          1. In our Example, "Bob" does not have a replacement yet. 

        2. A new window will open. You will be asked if you are sure. If you would like to proceed, choose Reset again. 

      6. Rename the User.  Add an Email Address.
        1. If you do not have a new Email Address, type in a placeholder Email Address for now.  This ensures that the old Email Address clears completely.
        2. Only send a Welcome Email if you have a new Employee who is ready to accept the Email.  Welcome Emails will expire in 3-5 minutes for security reasons
        3. If you do not have a replacement Employee, name the Extension "Open" or "Available".  This will make it easier to locate the User later when you are ready to bring the new Employee on board.
          1. Save.

          2. You will now see the new User in your Users list.  The term "password required" notes that the User does not have a Password set up at this time.  

      How Do I "Onboard" a New Employee?

      If you are Onboarding a New Employee, and their Email Address is already set in their User, then you can simply have the new Employee go to https://portal.clarityvoice.com/ and click  "Forgot Password".
      1. Alternatively, you may send a Welcome Email for them manually by going to the Users Tab, choose the new User, then click Advanced. Choose "Send Welcome Email".  

      If you are Onboarding a New Employee, and their Email Address is not already in their User, then just contact us and let us know that you need to update a User.   We will locate the User and update their Name and Email Address.

      1. If they are ready to receive the Welcome Email, then we will send it at that time.
      2. If they are not ready, have them go to https://portal.clarityvoice.com/ when they are ready. 
        1. Have them click "Forgot Password".   A reset password link will be sent to them so they can set up their Password.

      If you are Onboarding a New Employee and they are not replacing an existing User
      , contact us!  We will assist you in adding a new Seat for the Employee. (1-800-676-3995 for Support, or you may contact your Account Executive directly.)

      How do I Add Shared Contacts for the Domain?

      Shared Contacts are additional Contacts that you may add for the Users in your Domain.  These Contacts are available in Portal, although they will not display in the Mobile App.
      1. Shared Contacts should be limited to less than 500 Contacts to prevent slowing of Portal

      1. Choose Users.

      2. Choose Shared Contacts.

      3. Choose Add Shared Contact.

      4. Fill out the Contact, then Save.

      5. Alternatively, you may choose to Import a list by clicking Import.  Available options are: Outlook, Google, and Apple vCard.  Browse for your list, then choose Import.

      Managing the Domain's Call Routing

      As an Office Manager, you will have the option to adjust the Call Routing of your Domain. 
      1. Extension Call Routing is the Call Routing of your own individual Extension.  "Domain" Call Routing is the Call Routing of any of the Phone Numbers that are assigned to your Domain. 

      Clarity Voice is committed to customizing your Domain's Call Routing to support your Business. 
      1. The instructions listed here are meant to empower you to make changes to your Call Routing if you should need or want to. 

      2. Do not hesitate to reach out for major changes, guidance, or just a refresher training.  

      How Does Call Routing Work?

      As an Office Manager, you have access to all of the individual pieces of Call Routing.
      1. Initial Call Routing is set up by Clarity Voice.  You may make changes to this Call Routing at any time by logging into Portal. 

      2. Call Routing consists of two pieces.  
        1. One:  the Phone Number itself and the Routing User or Extension that it initially points to.
        2. Two :  where the call should go next (Answering Rules) and when that should occur (Time Frames). 

      3. If you have additional features in your Call Routing, such as Call Queues and/or Auto Attendants, you will also be able to control which Users are called and when.  You may also choose to present your customers with specific options to ensure they reach the right Department or Extension. 

      How Do I Know How My Phone Numbers Are Routed?

        1. Go to the Inventory Tab. 

        2. This is where you will see a list of all of your Phone Numbers and which User they initially point to. 
          1. You may use the Filters button to narrow your Search.  You may use the Export button to download the list once you have the view you would like.

        3. Locate the "Destination" of the Phone Number. 
          1. For our example, we are looking at User 3000. 

        4. Go to the Users Tab.

          1. Search for the User that your Phone Number pointed to.  Click on it.

            1. If you do not see the User, make sure that System Users are not hidden. This option is in the bottom right.  Uncheck Hide System Users

        5. Choose Answering Rules

          1. You will now see a complete list of the Answering Rules for this Phone Number. In our Example, we can see that this Phone Number is currently in the After Hours Time Frame and the Answering Rule is routing to User 575 (After Hours Auto Attendant) currently.  We know this because the Answering Rule that is currently in use will always have a blue Active icon beside it. 

          2. Just as it does with your Extension, Answering Rules work on a top-down priority, meaning that if there are two Answering Rules set to activate at the same time, the Answering Rule that is highest in the list will take priority.   
          3. Just as it does with your Extension, the Default Rule will always activate if no other Answering Rules are set to go into effect.

        6. If you are unsure what Times are set in the Time Frames, go to the Time Frames Tab and choose the Domain name. 

          1. Choose the Time Frame to see the times that the Answering Rule will go into effect. 

        How Can I Change the Domain Call Routing?

        Changing your Call Routing is easy!   You just need to go the User that the Phone Number is pointed at. 
        1. If you don't know which User, check the Inventory Tab and look for the Destination of the Phone Number.  

        1. Go to the Users Tab.

          1. Search for the User that your Phone Number pointed to.  Click on it.  For our example, we are looking at User 3000.

            1. If you do not see the User, make sure that System Users are not hidden.  This option is in the bottom right.  Uncheck Hide System Users.

        2. Choose Answering Rules

        3. Highlight the Answering Rule you would like to change.  You will see an Edit pencil icon appear on the far right.  Click it.

          1. In our Example, we will be changing the After Hours Answering Rule to route to an external Answering Service phone number. 
          2. We have two options when routing to an External phone number:  to forward directly to it with no changes (use Always) or to require the External phone number to "press one" to accept the call (in Simultaneous Ring). 
            1. For our Example, we do not need the Answering Service to accept the call so we will leave it as Always.
            2. Save when all changes are completed. 

        4. The last thing we will do when making changes is to check to make sure our changes saved, and that the Answering Rule is high enough in the list to take effect. 

          1. If the change is immediate, it is always best practice to call into Phone Number from an outside number and make sure the Call Routing now does what you would like. 

        Need a Refresher on the Call Routing Options?  Scroll up to Answering Rule Options or use the Table of Contents to navigate there. 

        Adding Times to Your Domain's Routing

        Just as it does for your Extension's Routing, Time Frames allow you to control "when" a Call Routing will occur.  
        1. Keep in mind that an Answering Rule must be set for the Routing User to control "where" a call will go during the time that is saved in the Time Frame.

        2. Once a Time Frame has been added, it may be reused at any time for your Extension or Domain. 

        3. Time Frames can be shared within your Domain.  For example, if a "Holiday" Time Frame already exists and the saved date/time match what you would also like to use, you may use this Time Frame for your own Extension as well.   

        Adding a Domain Time Frame

        1. Choose the Time Frames Tab.

        2. Click the Domain name so that you can access these Time Frames.

        3. Choose Add Time Frame to add a Time Frame for the Domain.  

        4. A pop-up window will appear.   Name your Time Frame.  Names cannot be changed later, so make sure to choose a name that makes sense and can be reused if needed.   
          1. For example, instead of creating a Time Frame for “Thanksgiving”, consider naming the Time Frame “Holiday” so that you can re-use the same Time Frame at a later date. 

        5.  If you would like to add a recurring time, checkmark the day(s) of the week and add the times by using the slider.  
          1. You may add up to two times in a single recurring day of the week. Just click the Add range plus icon to add the second slider.

        6. If you would like the date/time to be a single date or range of dates, enter the date(s) in the Specific dates or ranges section by clicking the "Calendar" icon.    
          1. You can use the sliders in the pop-up or you may type in the date/time manually. 
            1. Use the Add a date range plus icon if you need to add more than one set of dates. 

          1. When you have all times entered, choose Save

          2. You will now see your Time Frame in the list. You may edit or add times to this Time Frame at any time by clicking the Edit pencil icon.

          Adding a Time to an Existing Domain Time Frame

          1. Choose the Time Frames Tab.

          2. Click the Domain name so that you can edit these Time Frames

            1. The list of Time Frames will open. Hover over any of the Time Frames and choose the Edit pencil icon if you would like to make a change to the Time Frame

          3. The Time Frame will open.

          4. If you would like to add a recurring time, checkmark the day(s) of the week and add the times by using the slider.  
            1. You may add up to two times in a single recurring day of the week. Just click the Add range plus icon to add the second slider.

          5. If you would like the date/time to be a single date or range of dates, enter the date(s) in the Specific dates or ranges section by clicking the "Calendar" icon.    
            1. You can use the sliders in the pop-up or you may type in the date/time manually. 
              1. Use the Add a date range plus icon if you need to add more than one set of dates. 

          6. When you have all times entered, choose Save

          Domain Answering Rules (where the Routing will forward)

          1. Time Frames are “when” an Answering Rule takes effect.   Answering Rules control “where” the Routing for the Domain's calls will go during that Time Frame.

          2. The Answering Rule that is currently in effect for the User will always have a blue Active icon beside it. 

          3. Answering Rules work on a “top-down” priority.  This means that if two Answering Rules are set to activate at the same time, the Answering Rule that is higher up in the list will be the Active Answering Rule

          4. Priority is set this way by design.  For example, if a Holiday occurs on a Monday, and your normal Business Hours also occur on a Monday, Portal needs to know which Routing should take priority.

          5. The Answering Rules tab is also where “ring time” for the User can be adjusted.   

          6. Ring Time is the amount of time that the call will ring before it is considered “unanswered” and follows the “When Unanswered” routing that you have set for the Answering Rule.

          How to Add a New Domain Answering Rule

          1. Go to the Users Tab.

            1. Search for the User that your Phone Number points to.  Click on it.

              1. If you do not see the User, make sure that System Users are not hidden. This option is in the bottom right.  Uncheck Hide System Users

          2. Choose Answering Rules

          3. All existing Answering Rules will show as a List, including the “Default” Rule. 

            1. The Default Rule will activate whenever there are no other Time Frames higher in the Answering Rules list to take effect.  For example, if you have set Business Hours and no other Answering Rules, the Default Rule will activate when the User is outside of the set Business Hours.

          4. To add a new Answering Rule, choose Add Rule

          5. A pop-up window will open.  Use the dropdown to select a Time Frame for when the Routing should occur.  Any Answering Rules already set will show as “in use

            1. Select the Time Frame you would like to use. 

          6. There are two options for the Call Routing.   
            1. You may use Always to send the call directly to a single Device, Call QueueAuto AttendantVoicemail, or Phone Number with no additional adjustments.

            2. You may use Simultaneous Ring to send the call to more than one Extension and/or to send the Call to a Phone Number with or without Answer Confirmation added (also called “press one confirmation”). 

          7. Make your selections, and then Save.

          Need a Refresher on the Call Routing Options?  Scroll up to Answering Rule Options or use the Table of Contents to navigate.
          Need a Refresher on how to edit an Answering Rule?  Scroll up to How to Change an Existing Answering Rule or use the Table of Contents to navigate.

          Blocking a Specific Caller from the Domain's Main Call Routing

          1. If a caller needs to be blocked from reaching all of your Domain's Extensions, follow these instructions. 

          2. You must be in your Manager View to block callers from reaching your Domain. If you need assistance in Toggling from your Extension View to your Manager View so that you may access your Domain's Main Call Routing, scroll up to Manager View vs. Extension View

          1. Choose the Users Tab.

            1. Search for the User that your Phone Number(s) points to.  Click on it.

              1. If you do not see the User, make sure that System Users are not hidden. This option is in the bottom right.  Uncheck Hide System Users

          2. Choose Answering Rules

          3. Choose Allow/Block.

          4. In the Blocked Numbers column, type in the number you would like to block into the field.

            1. Click the Add plus icon.

          5. The blocked number will now be in the Blocked Numbers list.
            1. Repeat for any additional numbers. 

          6. When you are finished adding phone numbers, choose Done.

            1. Repeat this process for all Users that have your Domain's Phone Numbers pointed to them.  This will prevent the caller from reaching any of your Extensions from any of your numbers. 

          Auto Attendants

          Auto Attendants give your Domain the ability to share information and/or give your caller choices before routing the call to you. 
          1. We will set up all of your Auto Attendants for you initially.  After the Auto Attendant(s) are created, you will have the ability to adjust the Greetings and Options of the Auto Attendant

          2. There are two types of Greetings that can be set up for your Domain.  These can be combined if needed. 

          3. Intro Greetings- These are Greetings that are tied to a Time Frame and only play during that Time.

          4. Menu Prompt- This Greeting is the Main Greeting for the Auto Attendant. It will play any time that your Auto Attendant is set to be used in the Call Routing. 

          5. If your caller knows the option that they would like, they can interrupt the Greeting to reach their destination sooner.  If you have a specific Greeting that you need to play in its entirety (such as "Calls may be recorded"), let us know!  We will set up this type of Greeting for you. 

          6. If you should need to change the Routing options of your Auto Attendant, please contact us.  We will assist you in updating your options to the requested configuration and test your Auto Attendant with you to ensure that it is updated and routing calls properly. 

          Changing a Menu Prompt Auto Attendant Greeting

          1. Click the Auto Attendants Tab. 

          2. Choose your Auto Attendant from the list by clicking it. 

          3. You will have the option to playdownload, and/or edit the current Menu Prompt greeting. 

          4. Click the Manage Audio edit pencil. 

          5. Your Greeting options will open in a new window.  You may set up a Greeting by using:
            1. Text-to-Speech:  Type out your message. Choose your Voice and click the Play icon to listen to it. Adjust the message if needed. Save.

            2. Upload:  Upload a previously recorded Greeting by clicking Browse. Choose the file.  Type in a Description. Click Upload
            3. Record:  You may have our system call you so that you can live-record a Greeting.  Type in a Description. Type in your Extension or phone number, and then click Call.
              1. You also have the option of dialing the star code to Record instead.  If you dial the star code from your Extension, you will be able to live record the new Greeting for this Auto Attendant
              2. The Star Code is specific to your Domain, Auto Attendant, and Greeting.  The Star Code does not change. You may use the Star Code at a later time to edit the Greeting.

          Changing an Auto Attendant Intro Greeting

          These types of Greetings are primarily used in Restaurants and similar businesses to play a daily special at a particular time.   
          1. We will set up these Intro Greetings initially and will do all updates for you. 

          2. Note:  It is recommended that if an Intro Greeting need to be deleted/removed, that you allow Clarity to remove the Greeting.  Incorrect removal of an Intro Greeting can cause the Auto Attendant to not play a Greeting at all or fail to route the call. 

          3. If you should need to make an emergency change to your Greeting, follow the below instructions.

          1. Click the Auto Attendants Tab. 

          2. Choose your Auto Attendant from the list by clicking it. 

          3. Click the Manage speaker icon next to Intro Greetings. 

          4. Click the Edit pencil icon beside the Greeting that you would like to update. 

          5. You will have the options to change your greeting using the following methods:
            1. Text-to-Speech:  Type out your message. Choose your Voice and click the Play icon to listen to it. Adjust the message if needed. Save.

            2. Upload:  Upload a previously recorded Greeting by clicking Browse. Choose the file.  Type in a Description. Click Upload
            3. Record:  You may have our system call you so that you can live-record a Greeting.  Type in a Description. Type in your Extension or phone number, and then click Call.

          Call Queues

          Call Queues allow us to add additional options to your Call Routing.    

          1. Once an Extension has been added to a Call Queue, their status is controlled by their login/logout of the Call Queues.  You will be able to monitor their live calls, manually toggle their status, and even remove them from the Call Queue. 

          2. Extensions/Users may have additional options added to their Routing, such as wrap-up time and max calls.   When in a Call Queue, Extensions/Users are called Agents.
          1. Wrap-up Time is sometimes also known as "after-call work".  It is the time after the call ended and before the next call is allowed to dispatch to the Extension

          2. If an Extension has no wrap-up time, then a call can be dispatched immediately after the first call ends.  Wrap-up time is generally used in locations where the Extension needs additional time to post notes, set up appointments, or to make an additional Outbound call.

          3. Max Calls is used to control how many calls may be dispatched and wait for an Agent.  It is generally used in smaller locations where you would like each Agent to see the waiting call, place the first call on hold, and answer the second call.

          4. Due to the multiple options of Call Queues, it is highly recommended that Clarity set up your Call Queues to work for you.
          1. Let us know if you would like to add options such as:
            1. Adding a non-skippable Message as the caller enters the Call Queue
            2. Adding the option to have the caller hold their place in line and receive an automatic callback (queue call back)
            3. Changing the type of Call Queue used to best optimize your Call Routing (for example, you may want to have the agent idle the longest called or ring groups of agents in a specific order)
            4. Adding a Message to the Agent before connecting the Call (generally used to alert them to the originating location or website)

          Adding, Editing, or Deleting an Agent/Extension to a Call Queue

          1. Click Call Queues Tab. 

          2. You will see a list of all Call Queues.   You may edit the Agents by either clicking on the number of Agents (in blue) or clicking the Edit Agents person icon.

            1. You will see a list of the Agents and their current status.   Green is logged in and in a status available to take calls, Red is busy, and Gray is unavailable (not able to take calls).

          3. You will also be able to see their current Settings, including Wrap-up Time and Max Calls.
            1. You may Edit or Delete an Agent from the Call Queue entirely.  Hover over the Agent and both options will appear.

          4. To add an Agent/Extension, click Add Agent

          5. You may add an Agent by their Device or User.   Click inside the field and choose the correct User/Device from the available list. 
            1. For an internal Agent, you will generally leave the initial Status as Online
            2. Leave Request Confirmation unchecked.  Only External numbers will need to receive a "press one confirmation" message prior to being connected.  Choose Save Agent.

          6. You may add an External Agent by typing in their 11-digit phone number.  This is generally a manager or work-from-home Agent who is using their cell phone number, rather than a Device or User to take calls. 
            1. As you type the phone number, you will see the system auto-filling the phone number below the field. Click the auto-filled number.  The phone number will be added.

            2. Choose the Status.  
              1. If the External Agent will always need to be available to take a call when the Call Queue is scheduled to be in the Routing, then set them to Online.
              2. If they will be joining the Call Queue as needed, then set them to Offline, then you can toggle them to Online when they are needed. 
            3. Checkmark Request Confirmation.  This setting will ensure that the External Agent receives a "press one to confirm that you would like to take this call" message before the call connects.  This not only notifies the External Agent that the incoming call is a business call, but also prevents the call from being taken by their personal cell phone's voicemail. 
            4. Choose Save Agent

          7. Click Done once all Editing/Adding is complete. 

          Agent Configuration Options

          • Status – You can set the Agent's initial Status to Online or Offline.  The agent will be allowed to update their own status once they are in the Queue by logging in/out.

          • Wrap Up Time – The number of seconds before an Agent is made available to take a call again.  This is sometimes known as "after-call work". 

          • Max Simultaneous Calls – The maximum number of calls the User can be on at one time.  For Call Center environments, this is generally set to (1).  For small offices, this is sometimes set higher, depending on business needs. 

          • Queue Priority for Agent – The priority for the Agent in the queue. Lower numbers are prioritized higher. This allows you to set agents with the higher skill level to be prioritized when a call comes in.

          • Request Confirmation – An agent can ‘Confirm’ receiving a call once they pick up the phone and press ‘1’.  This is generally used for External Agents only who are using cell phones to answer business calls. 

          • Auto Answer – Will answer the call automatically based on queue type. For a Round Robin queue, this will be the first agent to ring. For Ring All or Call Park, it will be the longest idle agent.

          Domain and Call Queue Music on Hold

          Music on Hold is sometimes known as "message on hold", depending on how your Domain decides to use this option.   You may have Music on Hold for the Domain and also have Music on Hold for your Call Queues
          1. Music on Hold for the Domain refers to the Music/Messaging that plays when a Caller is put on hold.   For Call Queues specifically, the "Music on Hold" refers to the Music and Messages that play while the caller is waiting to be dispatched to an Extension/Agent.

          2. You will have access to edit the Music on Hold for the Domain and Call QueuesYou may add Introductory MessagesComfort Messages, and change the underlying Music

          3. You may add more than one Music on Hold Recording.  These Recordings will play in order unless you select "Randomize music". 
          1. It is strongly recommended that any Recording uploaded be non-copyrighted material.  If you are part of a Franchise, Clarity may have your approved Franchise Music on Hold on file for you. 

          Changing the Domain's Music on Hold

          1. Click the Music on Hold Tab. 

          2. A list of Users with Music on Hold will be displayed. Click on the Domain.

          3. You will be given the option to Add Music and Messages

          4. To add Music, click Add MusicBrowse for your Recording, Name it, and click Upload

            1.   You may downloadedit, or delete the Recording if needed.  If you choose to add more than one Music on Hold, you may let it play in order, or choose Randomize to play the Music in a random order. 

          Adding Messages to the Domain Music on Hold

          1. Click the Music on Hold Tab. 

          2. A list of Users with Music on Hold will be displayed. Click on the Domain

          3. You will be given the option to Add Music and Messages

          4. To Add Messages, click Add Message.   Messages are sometimes known as "comfort messages".  These Messages "break in" to the Music on Hold at whatever interval you set.  Many domains use these to:  thank the caller for waiting, offer alternative contact such as a website or email address, and/or to advertise special features. 
            1. You will have the option to add Wait Status Updates. 

            2. You will also have the option to Add a Message by using: Text-to-Speech, Upload, or Record.

          5. To add an introductory Message, click Add Introduction.  Introductions will play in their entirety before the call is dispatched to an Agent.  Most domains will use this introduction to play a "calls may be recorded" message.

            1. You will have the option to Add Introduction by using: Text-to-Speech, Upload, or Record.

          6. Once your Music and Messages are set, you may look at additional options such as randomizing the music, changing Priority (which plays first), and the time between Messages.

          Changing a Call Queue's Music on Hold

          1. Call Queue Music may be accessed from the Music on Hold Tab. 

          2. Call Queue Music may also be accessed in the Call Queue itself.  Click the Call Queue Tab, then click the edit MOH music icon beside the Call Queue you would like to edit.  The Music on Hold Tab will open up to this specific Call Queue

          1. Click the Music on Hold Tab. 

          2. A list of Call Queues will be displayed. Click on the Call Queue to edit the Music on Hold

          3. You will be given the option to Add Music and Messages

          4. To add Music, click Add MusicBrowse for your Recording, Name it, and click Upload

            1.   You may downloadedit, or delete the Recording if needed.  If you choose to add more than one Music on Hold, you may let it play in order, or choose Randomize to play the Music in a random order. 

          Adding Messages to the Call Queue Music on Hold

            1. Click the Music on Hold Tab. 

            2. A list of Call Queues will be displayed. Click on the Call Queue to edit the Music on Hold

            3. You will be given the option to Add Music and Messages

            4. To Add Messages, click Add Message.   Messages are sometimes known as "comfort messages".  These Messages "break in" to the Music on Hold at whatever interval you set.  Many domains use these to:  thank the caller for waiting, offer alternative contact such as a website or email address, and/or to advertise special features. 
              1. You will have the option to add Wait Status Updates. 

              2. You will also have the option to Add a Message by using: Text-to-Speech, Upload, or Record.

            5. To add an introductory Message, click Add Introduction.  Introductions will play in their entirety before the call is dispatched to an Agent.  Most domains will use this introduction to play a "calls may be recorded" message.

              1. You will have the option to Add Introduction by using: Text-to-Speech, Upload, or Record.

            6. Once your Music and Messages are set, you may look at additional options such as randomizing the music, changing Priority (which plays first), and the time between Messages.

          Accessing the Domain's List of Phone Numbers

          The Inventory Tab houses your Domain's Phone Numbers and Fax Numbers (if Portal Faxing is added and enabled).
          1. Inventory will allow you to see and Export a list of your Phone Numbers.  Although you may technically edit which initial User the Phone Number points to, it is highly recommended that you contact us if a change to the initial User should be made.  We will make the adjustments and ensure the new Routing is working as intended. 

          2. If Portal Faxing is enabled, Clarity will add your Fax Numbers for you. 

          1. Click the Inventory Tab.

          2.  You will automatically be on Phone Numbers. Your list of numbers will be displayed.

          3. Click Export if you would like a csv of these numbers. 

          Domain Call History and Recordings

          Your Domain Call History will be available for you to view via the Call History Tab. 
          1. You will have access to the domain Users' Call History.  
          2. You may download/play a recording (if Call Recording is enabled).   You will also have access to the Cradle to Grave and Add Notes options. 

          Accessing the Domain's Call History and Recordings

          1. Choose the Call History Tab.

          2. A list of the calls made and taken for the specified date range will be displayed in the Call History list. 

          3. To change the dates, type of call, Department/Site, or Extension, click Filters.

            1. Make your selections and then choose Filter.

          4. Highlight any call and additional options will appear to the right of the selected Call. You may: 
            1. Download the Call Recording (if Call Recording is enabled for your domain).
            2. Listen to the Call Recording (if Call Recording is enabled for your domain). 
            3. View the Cradle to Grave for the call.   Cradle to Grave allows you to see the entire path of the Call and  Release reason.

            4. Add Notes about the Call.  Notes give you the option to identify the call easily.   Use the dropdowns to choose the appropriate Disposition and Reason.  Type in your Notes Save when complete. 

          How Do I Read the Destination Locations?

          The Destination of the call is where the call connected or disconnected.  

          To Destination 


          200, 201, 202, etc. 

          Call was answered by the extension.  

          Extensions on the Clarity system 
          are typically in the 200 range.  Some extensions may be in the 1000 – 2000 range.

          300, 301, 302, etc. 

          Caller disconnected the call while their call was ringing in a Call Queue.  

          Call Queues on the Clarity system are typically in the 300 range.


          Caller disconnected the call while listening to a voicemail greeting. 


          Caller disconnected the call while listening to the Auto Attendant greeting. 

          VMail (200) 

          Call was answered by voicemail.  
          The extension receiving the voicemail is also displayed.


          If Speech-to-Text is enabled in the Auto Attendant, this will display, if the caller disconnects during the Auto Attendant greeting.

          Call Queue 

          Caller disconnected the call before an Agent/Employee in the Call Queue answered the call. 

          Can I Manually Download Call History?

          Yes, you can Export a list of the Calls made, right from the Call History list.  The exported list will include the Call History of the call.  Additional add-on features, such as Call Recordings are not part of the CDR and will not download with this list. 

          1. You must be in the Manager View to view Call History for the domain.  If you are not in the Manager View, click Manage Organization.  Then choose the Call History Tab.

          2. A list of the calls made and taken for the specified date range will be displayed in the Call History list.  You will be able to view the original phone number dialedExtension the call reached (if any), and even the Release reason.

          3. To change the dates, type of call, Department/Site, or Extension, click Filters.

            1. Make your selections and then choose Filter.

          4. Click Export.

          5. csv of your Calls will automatically download. 

          Can I Schedule a Download Call History?

          Absolutely.  The exported list will include the Call History of the call.  Additional add-on features, such as Call Recordings are not part of the CDR and will not download with this list.  

          1. You must be in the Manager View to view Call History for the domain.  If you are not in the Manager View, click Manage Organization.  Then choose the Call History Tab.

          2. Click Scheduled Exports

          3. Click New Export

          4. A pop-up window will appear.  Make your selections.  Then, click Next.

          5. View the Options available for your selected report.  Make your selections, if any.  Click Add when complete. 

          This Guide serves as a Quick step-by-step of the options for both your Manager and Extension Views

          For Technical Assistance, Training, or questions about any of our available options, please do not hesitate to call us at 1-800-696-3995 with any questions.  
          We are available live Monday through Friday 8am-9pm EST.  
          We are available for Afterhours Emergency calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

          •Thank you for being a valued customer!
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