Voicemail Settings, Greetings, and Notifications

Voicemail Settings, Greetings, and Notifications


Voicemail allows you the freedom to receive a message if you are unavailable to take a live call. 

  1. Voicemails may be transcribed for you if you wish.  We can even send a copy of your Voicemail to your email and/or a text to your cell phone!

Adjusting Your Voicemail Inbox Settings

  1. Click on the Messages Tab.
    1. If you have a Manager permission level and are currently in your Manager View, click your Profile Name in the top right, then choose Messages

  2.   Select the Settings tab.

  3. From the Voicemail Settings, you can adjust your preferences for your Inbox. Your options include: 

    1. Sort and Announcement Options:  These options allow you to adjust the sort order and additional announcements, such as time received and Caller ID. 
    2. Operator Forward:  When an extension is entered here, the caller can press “0” during the Voicemail Greeting.  The call will then be forwarded to that extension. 
    3. Copy to Extension(s):  Iyou would like your Voicemails to be copied to additional extensions, you may enter them here.
    4. Voicemail Transcription:  If set to “Enabled”, each Voicemail will be transcribed as well as recorded.
    5. Options (additional Email notifications):  You may choose to receive an email notification when the mailbox is full and/or receive an email after each missed call.  If you choose to receive an email after each missed call, this means that you will receive notification of the missed call, regardless of whether the caller left a voicemail.

  4. After all selections are made, make sure to select Save.

Adjusting Your Voicemail Greeting and Recorded Name

  1. Click on the Messages Tab.
    1. If you have a Manager permission level and are currently in your Manager View, click your Profile Name in the top right, then choose Messages

  2. Select the Settings tab.

  3. From the Voicemail Settings, you can adjust your preferences for the Voicemail Greeting and Recorded Name.
    1. It is always our recommended best practices to personalize both of these options. 

  4. You can Play or Download the current recording for either the Voicemail Greeting or Recorded Name.   
    1. You can also choose Manage to update the recording(s).

  5. If you choose to Manage the recording(s), a new window of options will open. You will have three options for updating the current recording.

    1. Text-to-Speech:  This allows you to type out your preferred Greeting or Name.  You can then choose the Language and the preferred Voice.  Use the Play button to preview your Greeting and Voice.
    2. Upload:  This allows you to Browse and then Upload a saved recording.  This option is handy if you have a saved generic Greeting that is used in more than one location 
    3. Record:  This allows you to have our system Call you either at your extension or your phone number so you can live record your Greeting.

  6. After all selections are made, make sure to select Save.

How to Set Voicemail Notifications

If you should choose to receive Voicemail Notifications, the Notifications will be sent to the email address on file for your Extension’s Profile.
  1. Click on the Messages Tab.
    1. If you have a Manager permission level and are currently in your Manager View, click your Profile Name in the top right, then choose Messages

  2. Select the Settings tab.

  3. Scroll down to Notifications.
    1. Check Receive an email for new voicemail”.

  4. Once this is selected, your Notification Options will become visible.   Use the dropdown for Email Type to choose what type of Notification you would like to receive.   Note:  If you would like your Notifications texted to you, we can set this up for you based on your cell phone's carrier (see below for article link).  Your choices are:
    1. Send with hyperlink:  This will send the Notification with a detailed link to the voicemail file.
    2. Send with brief hyperlink:  This will send the Notification with a simple link to the voicemail file. 
    3. Send with attachment:  This will send the Notification with an attached copy of the voicemail.   This is the option that we generally recommend.
    4. Send with brief attachment:  This will send the Notification with a download page for the voicemail.

  5. Use the dropdown for After Email Notification to choose what you would like to do with the Voicemail after the Notification has been sent.
    1. If your domain has Persistent Voicemail enabled, you will need to choose “Leave as new”.  

  6. After all selections are made, make sure to select Save.

Need More Specific Information?

Try our Portal Guides!  Each Permission Level has a Guide specifically created for them with an interactive Table of Contents so that you may skip quickly to the relevant section. 

Admin/Manager Guides

Some Manager permission roles include the ability to assist other User/Extensions with their Voicemail Settings and Notifications
  1. "Office Manager" Admin Guide
  2. "Advanced User" Admin Guide
  3. "Call Center Supervisor" Admin Guide
  4. "Site Manager" Admin Guide

Only have access to your own Extension?  

Your Extension has access to VoicemailProfile SettingsExtension Routing, and more!  
  1. "Call Center Agent" Portal User Guide
  2. "Basic" User Portal User Guide

Want to Learn About the  "Persistent" Voicemail Reminder Option?

Click here to learn more:  Persistent Voicemail Reminders.

Want to Learn About Voicemail Notifications Sent to You By Text?
Click here to learn more:  How to Receive Notifications by Text.

Want to learn more about Voicemail?

Give our Customer Service Team a call at 1-800-676-3995!   We are available Monday-Friday 8am-9pm EST. 

Prefer to open a Request?  Click here to open a Ticket Request!

We’re here to help you find better, easier ways to run your business.

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