Clarity Office Anywhere Web Phone

How to Use Web Phone

Clarity Office Anywhere Web Phone 

Clarity’s Web Phone is a browser-based softphone using the WebRTC standard.  This softphone requires no additional software installation and is included with your monthly Plan. 

Just open the interface in Google Chrome and start dialing!

About Web Phone

The Web Phone can be used as an alternate phone to make/take calls or can be used as the primary phone for your Extension

  1. Your Web Phone can be used for Inbound and/or Outbound Calls from your computer.  

  2. If you will be using your Web Phone for Inbound calls, just add it to your Inbound Routing options for your Extension and/or Call Queues

  3. The Web Phone will be in the “available” status for calls while you are logged into Portal. 

  4. Both Chat and Texting (SMS) can be accessed from the Web Phone window.   

  5. There is a downloadable version of the Web Phone available.  The downloaded version of the Web Phone is called Progressive Web App (PWA).

Web Phone View Options

The Web Phone has additional menu options that can be used to manage your Extension
  1. The same options are available in "docked" position and in "full" position.    The only difference is size and accessibility.

  2. The Menu options in Web Phone are a limited version of your available Extension options. 

Docked Position View

Contacts                     Voicemail        Call History   Chat and SMS

There is an additional Menu that can also be accessed from Web Phone
  1. Just click the three line Menu option. 

  2. Under the Menu, you have access to:

 "Expanded" Position View

  1. Grab the corner of the Web Phone window and drag it outward to expand the window into its full size.  Your options are now in one large window and easily accessible.   When you are ready, simply pull the Window back to its original size for convenient docking of all options.  

How to Use Web Phone

The Web Phone will be available while you are logged into the Portal (unless using PWA).   You may choose to use the Web Phone for inbound calls, outbound calls, or both.  
  1. The Caller ID shown when you dial out from your Web Phone will be the Caller ID of your Extension.  You can always view your Caller ID by clicking your Extension (User) Name and then navigating to Profile

  2. Web Phone is available in both the Extension and Manager Views. You do not need to toggle to access Web Phone

First Time Web Phone Access

  1. In the top-right corner of your Portal, click Apps.  You can be in either your Manager or Extension view when accessing Web Phone
    1. From the dropdown menu, choose Office Anywhere Web

  2. First-time Users of Web Phone may need to give the Web Phone permissions to access the microphone.  Choose Allow.  
    1. You will see a main menu message.  Choose Next

    2.  You will see a profile area message. Choose Done

  3. After the initial acceptance, Web Phone will not ask for these permissions or show these navigation prompts again, unless you were to clear your cookies/cache. 

Outbound Calling

    1.  In the top-right corner of your Portal, click Apps.
      1. From the dropdown menu, choose Office Anywhere Web.  Your Web Phone will open. 

    2. To make an Outbound Call, choose the Plus button in the lower right corner. This will open the call options.  

      1.  Click the Dial Pad icon.   

      2.  Dial as normal. Press the green Call button when ready. 

    3.  Once in the active call, you will have options to: 

    4. When your call is complete, choose the red End Call icon.   



    Your microphone will be Muted, but you will still be able to hear the call.  


    The call will be held for all parties on the call. 

    Your domain’s Music on Hold and any additional programmed Messages will play during this time. 

     Dial Pad
    The Dial Pad is available so that you can Dial/Press numbers during the call. 

    For example, if you call a destination that requires you to select an option, you can open the Dial Pad to make your selection. 

     Add Call

    Clicking Add Call will allow you to add another person to the current call (conference call).   

    The new person added can be from your Contacts list or you can manually dial their number. 


    You can transfer the call to a member of your Contacts list or manually add the number.  Click the Call phone icon beside the number.  

    Please see below "how to transfer" for more information.

      Park Call

    If your domain has Call Park Queues set up, you may Park the call into the Call Park Queue so that another Extension can pick up the call. 

     Switch Phone

    If you would like to switch the call to another of your Extension devices, choose this option.   

    For example, if you needed to switch the call to your Mobile App or Desk Phone, you can use this option. 


    This option will access your Contact List.  

     More Menu (three dots)

    This option is in the More menu.   This will “hide” the current call in your window. 

    How Do I Transfer a Call?

    1. When you are in an active call, you have the option to Transfer the Call to another number or Extension

    2. If you choose Blind transfer, the call will immediately forward to the chosen number.   Blind transfer is sometimes referred to as a “cold” transfer. 

    3.  Blind transfer is often used when the other party is expecting the call or when the caller needs to be transferred to another department. 

    4. If you choose Assisted transfer, your call will switch to pending transfer so that you can speak to the other party before you send the call to them.   Assisted transfer is sometimes referred to as a “warm” transfer.   Choose Complete Transfer when you are ready to complete the transfer of the call.  

    5. Assisted transfer is often used when the other party needs additional information before the call is transferred to them.  

    Inbound Calling

    If you choose to use your Web Phone to receive calls, you will add the Web Phone to your Call Routing just as you would any other device.   
    1. You must be logged into Portal for Web Phone to show as "available" to receive a call unless you are using the downloaded PWA Web Phone. 

    2. When receiving a call, your computer will play a ringtone and the Web Phone will display the following call options:

    The call will be picked up by the Web Phone so that you may Answer the call.

    The Web Phone will not pick up the call.

     If this is a direct call to your extension, the call will continue to ring all other Devices that are in the Simultaneous Ring routing for your Extension (if any). 

     If the Web Phone is in a Call Queue, all other Devices in the Call Queue will continue to ring. 

    The Web Phone will not pick up the call.

     If this is a direct call to your extension, the call will be rejected from all Devices and follow the When Unanswered Rule for your Extension

     If the Web Phone is in a Call Queue, all other Devices in the Call Queue will continue to ring. 

    What Additional Portal Options Can I Access in the Web Phone?

    There are several options that can be accessed directly from your Web Phone without leaving the Web Phone menus. 

    Contacts View 

    The Contacts view shows other User/Extensions in the your domain as well as any Contacts that have been manually added in the Portal.

    1. Domain Contacts will show presencePresence is indicated as a green, red, or gray circle .  Favorite Contacts are indicated with a star.  

    2. To select a predefined filter or user-created group, click the Contacts pull-down at the top, then select the filter needed.

    3. To filter/search Contacts, click on the magnifying glass in the upper right, then type in the name to filter.  Once you’ve selected a Contact, you can start a video call, internal chat, or call that contact, directly from the Contact view

    4. You may Add and Edit Contacts.  Click the ‘+‘ in the upper right corner to bring up the Add Contacts view. Complete the fields and Save.

    5. Clicking on the extension/phone number will dial that Contact’s number.  Clicking on the email address will launch your email application with a new message to that address.  Clicking the star icon will toggle the favorite status of the Contact

    Voicemail View  

    Voicemail view shows the Voicemail box.  You may click the Play button to listen to the message or click elsewhere on the message to expand the options. 
     Message Progress Bar

     Shows the current place in the message.  Drag and drop the circle or click on the bar to jump to a particular part of the Voicemail message.

     Play/Pause Toggle
     Click play to begin playback.  When a Voicemail message is playing, this becomes a pause button.

     Press to call back the number, if the Caller ID is known.

     Moves the Voicemail to the Saved folder. 

     Forwards the Voicemail to another user in the domain 


     Moves the Voicemail  to Trash


     The Voicemail transcript will be displayed, if available, directly below the caller name.
     Changing Mailbox Views

     Click the Voicemail header.  You can select whether you see New or Saved Voicemail Messages. 

    Call History View  

    Call History view displays the Extension’s Call History, including inbound, outbound and missed calls, by clicking the drop-down arrow. 

    1. The entries displayed will show Caller ID (if available), call direction (inbound, outbound or missed), call time, and call duration.

    2. Click on the Call History entry to return the call.

    3. Click on the Call History in the header to select a view of All, Missed, Inbound, or Outbound Call History.

    Call Center View

    (For Call Center Agents, Call Center Supervisors, and Office Managers)

    The Call Center view offers more freedom to choose the area in which to work, as well as saves Users from switching between the Portal and the Web Phone.

    1. The Call Center view will present you with My Queues and My Stats tabs. 

    2. My Queues displays the Queues you are logged into, the number of available Users, and the number of callers waiting in the Queue.  From here, you can login and logout of specific Queues.
    3. My Stats displays your Stats using charts. 

    How Do I Login/Logout of a Specific Call Queue from the Web Phone?

    1. From the Web Phone, click the Call Center icon. 

    2. Highlight the Call Queue and click the Login/Logout door icon.  

    3. Click it to toggle your Status. 

    How Do I Login/Logout of All Call Queues from the Web Phone?

    1. From the Web Phone, click the Status dropdown.

    2. Choose your Status.  

    3. Your Status will change for all Call Queues that you are a part of.

    Call Queue Status Options

    1. Online means that the Agent will be logged into all Queues that they are a part of.

    2. Single-Call Mode means that the Agent will be given one call, then will be set to “offline”.   This is used when the Agent has an upcoming break, lunch, or meeting to ensure that they are able to get out of the Queue in time. 

    3. Lunch/Break/Meeting is used for each of these items.

    4. Your domain may have additional Custom Statuses that will set the Agent to offline for a specific reason. 

    Chat and Texting (SMS)

    A new internal Chat or Text Message can be initiated by selecting the plus + icon at the bottom right corner.   Then, click the New Conversation edit pencil icon. 
    1. Choose your Contact and begin your Chat

    2. You will have the option to Text from Web Phone if your Extension is assigned a registered Texting number.  

    3. If you have multiple phone numbers with Texting assigned, you may select the phone number to send the text from the bottom right dropdown menu.  Type in the External number and click the green checkmark.   You may then type your message and enter to send. 

    Side Menu Options

    The Sidebar view can be accessed by selecting the upper left menu icon (three horizontal bars) and closed by clicking off the sidebar. 
    1. You access these options here, or you may instead grab the edge of your Web Phone window and drag it outward to expand the Menu into a larger, easy-to-read expanded view. 

    The Sidebar Menu has the following Options: 
    1. Display/Edit User Profile Information
    2. Call Park
    3. ExtensionAnswering Rules
    4. Greetings selection and recording 
    5. Settings (includes Ringtone and PWA option)
    6. Logout


    What If I Want to Use the PWA Downloaded Web Phone?

    The  Progressive Web App (PWA) is a web-based app that can be installed on a computer using Chrome and configured to open upon computer start up. 

    PWA is the same Office Anywhere Web Phone but installed directly on your computer. 
    1. Once configured to open at Start Up, the PWA will automatically receive inbound calls even if a browser window isn’t open. 

    How to Install PWA

    1. Login to Portal as normal.  Click Apps in the upper right corner and select Office Anywhere Web.

    2.  In the upper right-hand corner of the Web Phone pop-out, click the “Install Office Anywhere” arrow.
      1. Alternatively, you can access this option in the three dash Menu. Just click the Menu, Settings, then Install PWA.

    3. Click Install.   The app will immediately install and you’ll see a new Clarity icon in your bottom system tray.

    4.  Click the three vertical dot menu button in the top right corner of the PWA window and click on app info. 

      1.  In the dropdown menu, select Settings.

      2.  Toggle ON for the Start app when you sign in.

    5.  If you would like PWA to start up when you login to your computer, open a Chrome browser window and navigate to chrome://apps.  This will bring up all of your 
      Apps, including the PWA

      1.  Right click the Office Anywhere icon and check Launch at startup.


    Need More Information About Your Extension Options?

    Try our Portal Guides!  Each Permission Level has a Guide specifically created for them with an interactive Table of Contents so that you may skip quickly to the relevant section. 

    Admin/Manager Guides

    Admin Guides include both Admin/Manager capabilities and Extension Options
    1. "Office Manager" Admin Guide
    2. "Advanced User" Admin Guide
    3. "Call Center Supervisor" Admin Guide
    4. "Site Manager" Admin Guide

    Only have access to your own Extension?  

    Your Extension has access to VoicemailProfile SettingsExtension Routing, and more!  
    1. "Call Center Agent" Portal User Guide
    2. "Basic" User Portal User Guide

    Want to Learn More About Texting or Chat?

    Click here to learn more:  How to Text and  Chat Feature.

    Want to learn more about other Phone Options?

    Give our Customer Service Team a call at 1-800-676-3995!   We are available Monday-Friday 8am-9pm EST. 

    Prefer to open a Request?  Click here to open a Ticket Request!

    We’re here to help you find better, easier ways to run your business.

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