How to Chat with Extensions in Your Domain

How to Chat with Extensions in Your Domain


The Chat feature gives you the ability to chat with any Extension in your domain.   You may share attachments and pictures during your chat.   You can even switch from Chat directly to a Phone Call (using your desired phone device) or Video Call (using our Clarity Video Anywhere option).

  1. Chat is internal, extension-to-extension communication.  It is automatically enabled for all internal Users, and no special configuration is needed.

  2. Texting is external communication with phone numbers.  A registered texting number is assigned to an appropriate Extension to use.

  3. You can even switch from Chat directly to a Phone Call (using your desired phone device) or Video Call (using our Clarity Video Anywhere option) when using the Chat feature in Portal

How to Use Chat

  1. Click on the Messages tab.
    1. If you have a Manager permission level and are currently in your Manager View, click your Profile Name in the top right, then choose Messages

  2. Choose the Chat tab.

  3. Any previous conversations will be available on the page.  (Both Chat and any previous text threads will display here if Texting is enabled for your Extension.)

    1. You can continue your Chat by highlighting the conversation and then clicking the Reply icon.  
    2. You can delete a Chat by highlighting the conversation and then choosing the red Delete icon.  

  4. If you would like to start a new chat, choose New Conversation.
    1. pop-up Chat window will open. Enter the Name or Extension number of the person you would like to chat with.

      1. Select the desired Extension and choose Start.
    2. Type your message.   If you are sharing a file, click the Attachment paperclip icon to browse and attach your file.
    3. When you are ready to send your message, just hit enter.

  5. If you would like to switch the Chat to an phone Call or Video Call, make your selection at the top of the Chat window.
    1. Note:  At this time, you may not transfer a Chat to a Video Call when using the Mobile App.  However, Participants in Clarity Video Anywhere Meetings may join from devices such as cell phones

What Other Ways Can I Start a Chat?

Each Extension in your Domain is automatically added to a Contact List
  1. The Contact List is available in your Mobile App and Web Phone.   It is also available as docked Window in the bottom right of your Portal

  2. Chat can be initiated from the Messages Tab or from the Contact List

From Your Web Phone 


 From Your Mobile App

What about User Presence?

Absolutely!  User Presence is built-in to both our Web Phones and the Mobile App (COA) in the Contact List.   This allows you to view the Status of the Extension before you initiate a Chat.
  1. BLUE means that the Employee is available to Chat.  Click the Extension, then the Chat icon to begin a Chat

  2. GREEN means that the Employee is available to receive a call.   Click the Extension, then the Phone icon to dial the Extension

  3. RED means that the Employee is unavailable to receive a call. 

  4. GRAY means the Extension's Devices are unavailable or offline. 

Need More Information About Features or Options?

Try our Portal Guides!  Each Permission Level has a Guide specifically created for them with an interactive Table of Contents so that you may skip quickly to the relevant section. 

Admin/Manager Guides

Admin Guide contain both Extension and Manager View information. 
  1. "Office Manager" Admin Guide
  2. "Advanced User" Admin Guide
  3. "Call Center Supervisor" Admin Guide
  4. "Site Manager" Admin Guide

Only have access to your own Extension?  

Your Extension has access to your VoicemailProfile SettingsExtension Routing, and more!  
  1. "Call Center Agent" Portal User Guide
  2. "Basic" User Portal User Guide

Need Information About Texting with External Contacts or Customers?

Click here for more information: How to Text.

Want to learn more about options?


Give our Customer Service Team a call at 1-800-676-3995!   We are available Monday-Friday 8am-9pm EST. 

Prefer to open a Request?  Click here to open a Ticket Request!

We’re here to help you find better, easier ways to run your business.

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