Simultaneous Ring

What is Press One Confirmation (answer/request confirmation)?

Press One Confirmation

Press One Confirmation is an option that is available for both Call Queues and Simultaneous Ring Call Routing
  1. Press One Confirmation allows the User to choose to manually accept the inbound call.   This is normally used if there is an External Agent using a personal cell phone number in the Call Routing.    

  2. When the inbound call rings the External Agent, they will hear a "press one to accept this call" message.  This identifies the call as a business call so that they may answer correctly. 

  3. If the Agent presses one, they will answer the call.  If the Agent does not press one, the call will continue to ring all other phones in the Routing or follow the "when unanswered" rule.  

  4. This setting prevents an External Agent's cell phone from "answering" the call on its own and forcing a business call to their personal cell phone's Voicemail.   Using this setting will allow the call to continue to ring or follow the "when answered" rule to the business Voicemail, next set of Agents, or Answering Service

  5. This setting is not needed if the User is using the Mobile App to answer inbound calls.  When the Mobile App is used, the User is answering as their own Extension through the Mobile App, not as their own cell phone number.    

Press One in Routing Users/Extensions

To enable press one confirmation in a Routing User or Extension, follow these instructions. If this is your own Extension, you will want to be in your Extension View, and choose Answering Rules

Instructions for Advanced Users and Office Managers
  1. In Portal, make sure that you are in the View you will need for this User.  Choose Manage Organization to toggle to the Manager View if you are not already in it. 

    1. Choose Users.

  2. Select the User that you will be adjusting.

  3. Click Answering Rules.  Highlight the Answering Rule that you would like to add press one confirmation to and click the Edit pencil icon. 

  4. Checkmark "Answer confirmation for offnet numbers".  Offnet number just means any number not in your Portal Inventory.  This is usually a cell phone number.  In our example, this is the 555 number, which we have set up to begin ringing ten seconds after the internal Extensions
    1. Click Save.

  5. You will now see this adjustment in the Answering Rule

Press One in Call Queues

Call Center Supervisors, Advanced Users, and Office Managers can add and edit Agents in a Call Queue

  1. In Portal, make sure that you are in the View you will need for this User.  Choose Manage Organization or Manage Call Center to toggle to the Manager View if you are not already in it. 

    1. Choose Call Queues.

  2. Highlight the Call Queue that you will be adding the Agent to.   You may click either the Agents (Available) or the Agents icon to open up the Agents

  3. Select Add Agent.

  4. Type in the External Agent's phone number.  As you type, you will see the auto-fill bar underneath turn blue.  Select the phone number from the auto-fill bar when completed. 

    1. The phone number will now be selected. 

  5. Checkmark "Request Confirmation".  Then Save Agent.   

    1. If you are done adding/editing, you may then click Done

Need More Routing Information?

Try our Portal Guides!  Each Permission Level has a Guide specifically created for them with an interactive Table of Contents so that you may skip quickly to the relevant section. 

Admin/Manager Guides

  1. "Office Manager" Admin Guide
  2. "Advanced User" Admin Guide
  3. "Call Center Supervisor" Admin Guide
  4. "Site Manager" Admin Guide

Only have access to your own Extension?  

Your Extension has access to Voicemail, Profile Settings, Extension Routing, and more!  
  1. "Call Center Agent" Portal User Guide
  2. "Basic" User Portal User Guide

Want to learn more about Call Routing? 

Give our Customer Service Team a call at 1-800-676-3995!   We are available Monday-Friday 8am-9pm EST. 
Prefer to open a Request?  Click here to open a Ticket Request!

We’re here to help you find better, easier ways to run your business.

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