How to Add Music and Messages on Hold

How to Add Music and Messages on Hold

Music and Messages on Hold

Music on Hold is sometimes known as "message on hold", depending on how your Domain decides to use this option.   You may have Music on Hold for the Domain and also have a separate Music on Hold for your Call Queues
  1. Music on Hold for the Domain refers to the Music/Messaging that plays when a Caller is put on hold.   

  2. For Call Queues specifically, the "Music on Hold" refers to the Music and Messages that play while the caller is waiting to be dispatched to an Extension/Agent.

  3. You may add Introductory MessagesComfort Messages, and change the underlying Music for your Domain and Call Queues

  4. It is strongly recommended that any Recording uploaded be non-copyrighted material.  If you are part of a Franchise, Clarity may have your approved Franchise Music on Hold on file for you. 

Changing the Domain's Music on Hold

  1. Click the Music on Hold Tab. 
    1. You must be in your Manager View to change the Domain's Music on Hold.  If you are not in your Manager View, click Manage Organization or Manage Call Center to toggle.

  2. A list of Users with Music on Hold will be displayed. Click on the Domain.

  3. You will be given the option to Add Music and Messages

  4. To add Music, click Add MusicBrowse for your Recording, Name it, and click Upload

    1.   You may downloadedit, or delete the Recording if needed.  If you choose to add more than one Music on Hold, you may let it play in order, or choose Randomize to play the Music in a random order. 

Adding Messages to the Domain Music on Hold

You do have the option to add an Introductory Message and/or a break-in "Comfort Message". 
  1. Introductory Messages are unskippable, simple messages, such as "Calls May Be Recorded".   These messages will play before the call is dispatched to an Agent/Extension

  2. Comfort Messages play at regular intervals during the programmed music.  They are often messages that refer to other resources, specials, and/or important information about your company. 

  1. Click the Music on Hold Tab. 
    1. You must be in your Manager View to change the Domain's Music on Hold.  If you are not in your Manager View, click Manage Organization or Manage Call Center to toggle to the Manager View.

  2. A list of Users with Music on Hold will be displayed. Click on the Domain

  3. You will be given the option to Add Music and Messages

  4. To Add Messages, click Add Message.   You can use:  Text-to-Speech, Upload, or Record.

  5. To add an introductory Message, click Add Introduction. 

    1. You will have the option to Add Introduction by using: Text-to-Speech, Upload, or Record.

  6. Once your Music and Messages are set, you may look at additional options such as randomizing the music, changing Priority (which plays first), and the time between Messages.

Changing a Call Queue's Music on Hold

  1. Call Queue Music may be accessed from the Music on Hold Tab.   

  2. Call Queue Music may also be accessed in the Call Queue itself.  Click the Call Queue Tab, then click the edit MOH music icon beside the Call Queue you would like to edit.  The Music on Hold Tab will open up to this specific Call Queue

  1. Click the Music on Hold Tab. 

    1. You must be in your Manager View to change the Domain's Music on Hold.  If you are not in your Manager View, click "Manage Organization or Manage Call Center" to toggle to the Manager View.

  2. A list of Call Queues will be displayed. Click on the Call Queue to edit the Music on Hold

  3. You will be given the option to Add Music and Messages

  4. To add Music, click Add MusicBrowse for your Recording, Name it, and click Upload

    1.   You may downloadedit, or delete the Recording if needed.  If you choose to add more than one Music on Hold, you may let it play in order, or choose Randomize to play the Music in a random order. 

Adding Messages to the Call Queue Music on Hold

    1. Click the Music on Hold Tab. 

      1. You must be in your Manager View to change the Domain's Music on Hold.  If you are not in your Manager View, click "Manage Organization or Manage Call Center" to toggle to the Manager View.

    2. A list of Call Queues will be displayed. Click on the Call Queue to edit the Music on Hold

    3. You will be given the option to Add Music and Messages

    4. To Add Messages, click Add Message.  You can use:   Text-to-Speech, Upload, or Record.

    5. To add an introductory Message, click Add Introduction.  

      1. You will have the option to Add Introduction by using: Text-to-Speech, Upload, or Record.

    6. Once your Music and Messages are set, you may look at additional options such as randomizing the music, changing Priority (which plays first), and the time between Messages.

Need More Information About Your Options?

Try our Portal Guides!  Each Permission Level has a Guide specifically created for them with an interactive Table of Contents so that you may skip quickly to the relevant section. 

Admin/Manager Guides

  1. "Office Manager" Admin Guide
  2. "Advanced User" Admin Guide
  3. "Call Center Supervisor" Admin Guide
  4. "Site Manager" Admin Guide

Only have access to your own Extension?  

Your Extension has access to Voicemail, Profile Settings, Extension Routing, and more!  
  1. "Call Center Agent" Portal User Guide
  2. "Basic" User Portal User Guide

Want to Learn More About Call Queues?

Click here to learn more:  Call Queue Routing.

Want to learn more about Music on Hold?


Give our Customer Service Team a call at 1-800-676-3995!   We are available Monday-Friday 8am-9pm EST. 

Prefer to open a Request?  Click here to open a Ticket Request!

We’re here to help you find better, easier ways to run your business.

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