Call Recording

Call Recording

Call Recording

Help your employees learn what they need to be effective with our Call Recording Services for business.  Every customer contact is a potential sales and marketing opportunity, and an opportunity to strengthen a customer’s loyalty to your business.

Call Recording is included in many of our monthly Plans and can be integral for efficient new employee training, increasing customer satisfaction, and even dispute prevention.
  1. Call Recording can be configured for specific Call Queues or Users.  It can also be configured domain-wide with every call set to be recorded. 

  2. Call Recordings are retained for a specific length of time and are visible in Call History during that same time period.   You may also download Call Recordings to your own device during this time if you need a specific Recording permanently. 

  3. Users with Manager/Admin permission levels will be able to listen to and download Call Recordings for the domain. 

How Can I Access the Domain's Call History?

Users with Manager/Admin permission levels will be able to view Call History for the domain.   Call Center Supervisors will be able to view Call History for the Call Queues that they have been assigned to manage. 
  1. You must be in the Manager View to view Call History for the domain.  If you are not in the Manager View, click Manage Organization or Manage Call Center.  Then choose the Call History Tab.

  2. A list of the calls made and taken for the specified date range will be displayed in the Call History list.  You will be able to view the original phone number dialed, Extension the call reached (if any), and even the Release reason.

  3. To change the dates, type of call, Department/Site, or Extension, click Filters.

    1. Make your selections and then choose Filter.

Can I Manually Download Call History?

Yes, you can Export a list of the Calls made, right from the Call History list.  The exported list will include the Call History of the call.  Additional add-on features, such as Call Recordings are not part of the CDR and will not download with this list. 

  1. You must be in the Manager View to view Call History for the domain.  If you are not in the Manager View, click Manage Organization or Manage Call Center.  Then choose the Call History Tab.

  2. A list of the calls made and taken for the specified date range will be displayed in the Call History list.  You will be able to view the original phone number dialedExtension the call reached (if any), and even the Release reason.

  3. To change the dates, type of call, Department/Site, or Extension, click Filters.  Note:  Call Center Supervisors will want to Filter by the Call Queue they manage. 

    1. Make your selections and then choose Filter.

  4. Click Export.

  5. A csv of your Calls will automatically download. 

Can I Schedule a Download Call History?

Some Plans and permission levels include the ability to schedule an Export of the Call History. 

  1. You must be in the Manager View to view Call History for the domain.  If you are not in the Manager View, click Manage Organization.  Then choose the Call History Tab.

  2. A list of the calls made and taken for the specified date range will be displayed in the Call History list.  You will be able to view the original phone number dialedExtension the call reached (if any), and even the Release reason.

  1. Highlight any call and additional options will appear to the right of the selected Call. You may: 
    1. Download the Call Recording (if Call Recording is enabled for your domain).
    2. Listen to the Call Recording (if Call Recording is enabled for your domain). 

  2. You also have access to view the Cradle to Grave for the call.   Cradle to Grave allows you to see the entire path of the Call and Release reason.

  3. You can even add Notes about the Call to the record.  Use the dropdowns to choose the appropriate Disposition and Reason.  Type in your Notes Save when complete. 

What If I Need Additional Call Recording Storage?

If you need more Call Recording storage, just contact your Account Executive at 800-786-6160.  We will look at your current storage and needs.  

*NOTE: There is an additional fee for some Call Recording storage ability. 

Need More Information About Our Options and Features?

Try our Portal Guides!  Each Permission Level has a Guide specifically created for them with an interactive Table of Contents so that you may skip quickly to the relevant section. 

Admin/Manager Guides

Admin Guides include both the Manager and Extension View capabilities for your Portal
  1. "Office Manager" Admin Guide
  2. "Advanced User" Admin Guide
  3. "Call Center Supervisor" Admin Guide
  4. "Site Manager" Admin Guide

Only have access to your own Extension?  

Your Extension has access to your VoicemailProfile SettingsExtension Routing, and more!  
  1. "Call Center Agent" Portal User Guide
  2. "Basic" User Portal User Guide

Want to Learn About "Live Call Monitoring"?

Go here for more information:  Live Call Monitoring ("listen in").

Want to Learn About Call Notes and Disposition?

Go here for more information: Customized Call Disposition.

Want to learn more about Call Recording or other options?


Give our Customer Service Team a call at 1-800-676-3995!   We are available Monday-Friday 8am-9pm EST. 

Prefer to open a Request?  Click here to open a Ticket Request!

We’re here to help you find better, easier ways to run your business.

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